Chapter 5-12: The Utter Gall

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"You used your signature spell when we dunked Coach Lobster in the mud, right?" Floyd asks.

Ruggie flinches in response, "Grk..."

That's when Sebek remembers, "Ah, that's right! You must've cast it without a magestone. You went to such pains to warn me, yet you then committed the most dangerous act of all!"

Jack also remembers, "Oh yeah! We should tell Coach Vargas and get you checked out to make sure there's no lasting damage."

That's when Ruggie panics, "Whoa, whoa, slow down! No need to blow this outta proportion!"

"Huh?" Jack & Sebek respond, confused.

Then Jack says, "I just did the same thing as Jack when he wolfed out. I used some magestone fragments I found lyin' around. And well, Sereia decided to give me some of hers just in case anything happens."

"Hold up. You said that all our magestones COMBINED would let Sea Urchin use his signature spell ONCE," Floyd says.

Ruggie sheepishly says, "Ahaha..."

"Ruggie, were you holding out on us?!" Jack interrogates.

"Uh... Yeah, pretty much. But um, it is true, Sereia actually collected quite a good amount so she gave me some just in case. She did tell you guys that," Ruggie says.

"You held back a magestone even in the midst of such a crisis?!" Sebek questions and sounds angry at Ruggie.

"Look, I dunno what to tell you! I went to a lotta trouble getting that magestone, and I would've made bank selling it! Why would I willingly give up a moneymaker like that? Jack's such a goody-two-shoes, and Sebek's so hardheaded. You two would've snitched on me in a heartbeat. And I can't trust Floyd to keep his word when he's just as likely to change his mind and give the whole thing away!" Ruggie says.

Then Floyd says, annoyed, "No way! If we'd known, we coulda beat him outright! Sheesh, you really pulled one over on me, Sharksucker."

"I don't let dishonesty slide. I'm reporting this to the coach later," Jack angrily says.

Even Sebek is mad, "The utter gall. And here I thought the way you faced Coach Vargas was admirable..."

"Yeah, well, magestones make money. Admiration doesn't. It's not a hard choice," Ruggie says.

"At least Sereia holding on to those stones are more admirable and even mention that they need to be saved for emergencies, and we used some already," Jack says.

Soon, Leona walks over, "Still a money-grubber, eh?"

And Ace arrives as well, "Hey, guys! Glad to be back!"

"Leona! Ace!" Ruggie calls out and snickers, "Shyeheehee. How was the longest leg day ever?"

Leona becomes annoyed, "Tch... Shut your trap. You know, I dropped a necklace when that jerk Vargas jumped me. Got anything you want to share about that, Ruggie?"

"Uhhh... Why do you ask?" Ruggie asks.

"See, I ran into some of the Spelldrive Club guys when I got here. And they were nice enough to tell me you were keepin' it safe. I mean, it's not like I'm super attached to it, but since I know where it is, I just had to ask," Leona says.

"Wait, you were going to abscond with someone else's jewelry, along with the magestone?!" Sebek questions in shock and anger.

Ruggie panics, "I was just holdin' onto it! I was gonna give it back! Here, it's all yours," and gives Leona back his necklace.

Leona snatches it and says, "Great. Next time just hand it over and spare me the runaround."

"Oh, Crabbyyy..." Floyd calls out.

Ace turns to Floyd and is looking nervous, "Uhhh... Hey, Floyd," and giggles, "Ahaha... Boy, you are a sight for sore eyes... Yup, super glad to see you..."

"Sooo. I hear you were slackin' off while I was doin' all the work. Sounds to me like ol' Crabby wants a squeezin'," Floyd says, and looks like he's ready to crush Ace.

Ace panics, "Urk! I'm really sorry! Vargas had me doing so many squats, I feel like my thighs are gonna fall off! I've been punished enough!"

"I think me an' Sea Snake are gonna have a chat about this later," Floyd says.

Ace flinches, "Augh... Curse my freewheeling charm!"

Grim laughs, "Myahaha! That's what you get for tryin' to cheat your way through this.

If you've learned your lesson, maybe now you'll treat me with the respect I—"

Suddenly, Jack rushes over as he shouts, "GUYS!"

Everyone soon turns to see Jack.

"Geez, Jack, blow my ears out, why don'tcha," Ruggie says.

"This is givin' me a strange sense of déjà vu," Floyd says, "It's just like when we were talkin' with Sea Snake and Guppy last night."

"Yeah. Jack came up to us in a panic because Deuce hadn't come back to camp, and..." Ruggie says, but soon realizes something, "Wait. Deuce never came back, did he?"

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