Chapter 4-5: A Giant Magestone

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Meanwhile, in the mine, the Track Club members are still searching for Magestones. Using the pick axe and other mining tools, they are soon able to find some.

"There, got it! One magestone fragment," Jack says, and picks up one of the stones.

"How big is it?" Deuce asks.

Jack observes the stone, "...Hm. Not big enough."

"Man... We haven't found any that are the right size," Deuce says, frustrated, "Maybe we're looking in the wrong place. We might find more magestones if we dig into the white rock layer."

"Right, that's what Leona told us about," Jack says.

Soon, Jasper walks over, "Hey Deuce! Hey Jack!"

Deuce and Jack turn to see Jasper.

"Hi Jasper," Deuce says.

"Hey. How's the magestone search going?" Jasper asks.

'Yeah, but not any big enough for the assignment," Deuce answers, "All we're finding are tiny ones. I was just thinking of trying someplace else."

"I see," Jasper says. Then he says, "What about the part of the tunnel where you found me and Tanzanite?"

Confused, Jack asks, "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, just something that happened a while ago," Deuce says, "I came out here once with Ace, Grim, Briar, Sereia, and Trinket. Long story short, we needed a big magestone, pronto. And along the way, we met both Jasper and Tanzanite who were trapped in the mines."

"What could you have possibly needed..." Jack thinks, and soon remembers, "Ah, right! There was a rumor going around school right when we started, about some REALLY stupid freshmen in our class. That was when you all broke the super expensive chandelier, wasn't it?"

"The details aren't important!" Deuce says, annoyed, "Like Jasper said, we found a giant magestone in the tunnels that time. But we also got attacked by a monster."

"A monster?!" Jack says, shocked.

"Yeah. It had a lantern and a pickaxe, and there was this inky black fluid oozing from its head. Plus it was ginormous," Deuce says.

"Oh yeah? Sounds like a hallucination to me. Or some ghost or fairy freaked you out, and your imagination got the best of you," Jack says.

"It wasn't any of that! We went through a whole ordeal trying to beat that thing!" Deuce says.

"That's right. My brother and I were chased by that thing," Jasper says, annoyed, "You'd be scared too if you had to fight that slimy monstrosity! If it wasn't for Briar using her magic and quick thinking, we would have been history."

"Uh-huh. Sure. Whatever you say," Jack says, not really believing a word they said.

Anyway, what I'm hearing is that we can find bigger magestones farther in. So we know which way to go."

"I dunno..." Deuce says.

And then Jack says "Look, even if that monster really exists, you all beat it, right? So there's no problem. I'm not about to sit around while the clock runs out on this challenge. I'll go alone if you're too chicken. You can just wait here."

"The last thing I want is you judging me the rest of the trip. I'm going with you!" Deuce says.

"Yeah! I ain't no chicken either! I'mma get all of this on record!" Jasper says.

The three walk down the mine and into the interior area, the place where Deuce and Jasper went the first time they entered the mine.

"I think this is where we were before," Deuce says.

Jasper says, "I think I remember it. This is where Tanzanite and I run into that monster before it chased us."

"Well then, let's find a magestone and get out of here," Deuce says.

Just then, they end up hearing something, catching everyone off guard.

Deuce says, "That sound... Is it the fairies?"

"Yeah, they're here all right!" Jack says.

And he is right, more fire fairies fly over and begin to attack.

Deuce becomes frustrated, "Rrgh, guess we'll have to fight 'em off!"

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