Chapter 4-4: That's Enough Babysitting

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Ruggie manages to scare off the fairies while Epel and the other club members try to pull on the fishing pole to get the fish.

Epel pulls harder and says, "I...I caught it!" and is able to pull the fish right out of the water.

What's more, Briar is able to get a great picture of it.

The club members cheer, "WOO HOO!"

"Great job, team!" Ruggie happily says.

Everyone soon approaches to see the big catfish they catch.

"That is one big fish!" Grim says.

"I know, it looks like it's bigger than me," Btriar says.

"It must be at least two meters long... Can you even call it a fish at that point?" Epel adds, just as shocked.

Ruggie calls out, "Hey, ghost. This IS a giant catfish, right?"

Soon, the ghost floats over to see their catch, "Correctamundo! The Spelldrive Club has completed the fishing challenge! Here's your Vargas badge," and gives them the Vargas Badge.

Ruggie snickers, "Shyeheehee! Thanks. Well, that's dinner sorted. Let's get this baby back to camp and cook it up. We'll be cutting through the woods anyway, so we might as well check on team lantern blossom."

"We'd best get movin' too," Grim says.

"Yes. We should check on the others to see how the clubs are doing," Briar says.

Grim calls out, "Later, Spelldrive Club!"

"See you around. Keep up the good work!" Epel says.

"Bye," Briar says.

With that, Briar and Grim take their leave.

Ruggie then takes his leave to the forest to meet up with the other members to check on the other club members.

Ruggie calls out, "Hey, guys. How's it going over here?"

The member notices him, "Heya, Ruggie! We just got our lantern blossom."

"Nice! Now all we gotta do is make the potion. We're doing way better than I expected," Ruggie says.

"For sure. We couldn't have done it without Leona's help..." The club member says, but notices that Leona isn't with him, "Hm? He was JUST behind me. Where'd he go?"

Meanwhile, somewhere in the forest, Leona has been having a nap.

He yawns and says, "That's more than enough babysitting for one day. These stupid camping challenges are killin' me. I'm gonna grab a quick nap 'til lunch," Suddenly, he hears something, which has him annoyed, "Ugh, what now? An animal or something?" And soon growls, "Grr... I'm sleep deprived as it is, what with Vargas kickin' us outta bed at the crack of dawn. I won't have anyone disturbin' my nap."

Suddenly, Leona becomes shocked as something approaches him, "What in the world..." and screams, "GAH!"

Sometime later, Ruggie, Epel, and some of the Spelldrive members search for Leona.

Ruggie calls out, "Leonaaa! Where are you?"

"He's not over here..." The club member says.

Suddenly, Epel notices something, "Hey! Look, Ruggie."

Ruggie rushes to where Epel finds and picks up a familiar necklace, "That's Leona's necklace. Did he drop it?" He then calls out, "Leonaaa! This necklace looks awful pricey! I'm tempted to just pocket iiit!"

So far, nothing.

"...Nope, nada. Safe to say he's not within earshot," Ruggie says.

Then Epel asks, "What do we do now?"

Ruggie thinks for a minute, "Hmm..." And then says, "He's probably just napping in a nice patch of sun. He'll show up when he's hungry. Let's get back to camp."

And with that, the Spelldrive club members head back to their camp, but can't help but wonder what could have happened to Leona.

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