Chapter 5-15: Wrap It Up

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Still in the mines, Briar and the rest of the freshmans are forced to stay back as the upperclassmen battle the monster. In fact, the upper class students are winning the fight as they launch their magic at it.

"...The upperclassmen are nuts," Ace says, shocked.

"For real... That monster is just as strong as the one we fought... Maybe stronger, from the looks of it," Deuce says.

"And they're wipin' the floor with it! Jack says.

"Amazing," Tanzanite says.

"So cool," Jasper says.

"That's all you got? I've had steaks tougher than you," Leona says to the monster, and launches another magical spell at it.

Ruggie breathes heavily.

Leona turns to Ruggie, "What's wrong, Ruggie? You're gettin' kinda wheezy."

"Just having a teensy bit of trouble. No biggie," Ruggie reassures.

"Leona's magic is way more powerful than any of ours... And Ruggie's baiting the monster's attacks out as far as he can, then dodging them," Jack says, amazed, "They're incredible!"

Soon, the monster shouts, "Nooo!"

"You just don't know when to quit, do you? People who can't take a hint really grind my gills. But you better not just give up. 'Cause if you did that..." Floyd says and soon becomes serious, "...You'd bore me to TEARS!"

"Man, Floyd's brutal," Ace says, "He keeps throwin' huge spells right at the monster's squishy bits..."

"He'll tear the monster apart at this rate," Sereia says.

Sebek calls out, "Freshmen! Are you content to relinquish all glory to the sophomores and juniors?! Weaklings, the lot of you. If you cannot muster any valor, then stand back before you get hurt! I shall slay this creature!"

"Those are some bold words, bro," Ace points out.

"Yeah! We've definitely improved since last time!" Deuce says.

"Sounds like things are gettin' spicy," Floyd says, and calls out, "Hey Sea Lion. Sharksucker. I'm tired of this thing. What's say we wrap it up?"

"Sounds good. Doesn't feel right to keep kicking a whatever-this-is while it's down," Leona says.

Ruggie grins, "Okay, let's send it packing!"

And with that, the three combine their magic and launch an attack on the monster.

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