Chapter 1-3: Brains and Brawn Only

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Vargas announces, "Camp Vargas is officially in session! But before we get to the challenges, I've got a job for you guys... Pitching tents!"

"Man, we gotta set up our own tents? What a lousy way to kick off our trip," Ace complains.

He then says, "Oh well, we'll just bang 'em out with a little magic and call it a day. Let's get this over with..."

"NOT SO FAST!" Vargas shouts out of nowhere.

He then says, "I'm confiscating all of your magical pens and smartphones. I expect you to solve problems with brains and brawn ONLY.

Deuce turns to Jack, "Did you hear that, Jack? No smartphones. He's taking one of our most valuable tools."

"Losing our magical pens is even worse. That pretty much bars us from using magic," Jack says.

"Wait, what? ..." Deuce says, shocked. But soon remembers, "Oh yeah! Blot!"

"Exactly!" Vargas responds, "As you know, blot is a dangerous and highly toxic substance that generates when you use magic. Normally your blot gets absorbed into the magestones on your magical pens. But without those stones... Using magic will cause blot to accumulate directly in your body. Even minor cantrips would take a heavy toll, let alone signature spells."

"Yikes. So basically, we can't use magic at all," Ace replies.

"Heh... A test of brawn without any magical assistance? That's about what I'd expect from Coach Vargas," Sebek says, "Then I have every confidence in my ability to excel beyond all others!"

"Yeah, I'm quite comfortable with physical competitions myself," Deuce replies.

"I'll hold onto your magical pens and smartphones. And rest assured—I shall return them to you once Camp Vargas is over," Crowley announces.

Then Vargas says, "All right, let's head over to the campsite where you'll be pitching your tents. Keep up and stay together!"

"I shall return to the school, then. I'll see you all on the last day of camp. Give it the old college try, boys!" Crowley says and soon takes his leave.

Sometime later...

Everyone arrives at a large clearing, which is the campsite. There are large trees, a dirt array, and in the short distance is a large lake.

Grim says in surprise, "Wowza! Get a load of this giant field! An' all the trees!"

"I agree. The place looks perfect for a campsite," Tanzanite says.

Trinket flies to see the trees and smell some of the flowers on it.

Vagas soon announces, "You'll be camping here for the next three days. The tents hold one to two people, and we got plenty of 'em. Each club can take as many as they need. You have one hour to set them up. That might sound like a lot of time, but make sure you don't get cocky. A proper campsite is CRUCIAL to protecting yourselves and resting your weary muscles.

Will you seek the shelter of trees as a defense from sun and wind? Or will you set up on flat ground so you can rest comfortably? Each club should discuss the options amongst themselves. And feel free to grab a toolbox if you need one. We've got several. Your hour!"

Briar turns to the others, "Okay then, it's record keeping time."

"Yeah! Let's stop by each club," Grim says.

Then Sereia suggests, "I know. We can do it faster if we each check on one club."

"That's a good idea," Jasper says.

"Yeah. That way we can be all over," Grim says.

"Works for me," Tanzanite says.

Sereia says, "I like to help keep records of the Equestrian Club."

"I'll get the Track Club," Jasper says.

"Spelldrive Club for me," Grim says excited

"I'll check on the Basketball Club," Tanzanite says.

"I'll go with Grim to help check on the Spelldrive Club.

Trinket tinks as she flies to Sereia.

"Guess Trinket is going with Sereia," Grim says.

At the Equestrian Club...

"Coach Vargas mentioned protecting ourselves, but I fail to see what's so dangerous about these woods," Sebek says.

"It's difficult to say offhand. But one can never be too careful," Riddle says, "I say we pitch our tents in one place, so that we'll be ready to face any eventuality together."

"Understood. The question is where..." Sebek says.

But Silver says, "You know, I saw a creek on our way here."

"Then it may behoove us to set up where there's easy access to fresh water," Sebek says.

Then they head off to the creek.

At the Track Club...

One of the track members says, "Looks like the Equestrian Club's gone over by the creek."

"Should we follow their example and set up our tents by the water too?" Deuce questions.

Character Jack PE Uniform Icon

But Jack says, "Water levels can rise. We don't wanna camp too close to a stream. We don't all have to set up in the same spot... But I think it'd be good if we were under some trees, so we'll be shielded from rain and wind."

"Ah, good point. Thanks for the suggestion," Deuce says.

"Hey, look, I'm not tryin' to tell you what to do or anything! Do what you want," Jack says.

Deuce says to the member, "Okay, then let's follow Jack's advice."

"Yeah, good call," The track member agrees.

Meanwhile, Briar and the others watch the campers going off in different directions.

"They're all movin' out. Let's see how big of a mess they get themselves into," Grim says.

Sereia turns to Grim, "Don't be mean."

"Let's just keep an eye on things and see how things turn out," Briar says.

Everyone nods in response.

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