Chapter 2-2: You Can Handle 'Em

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After the difficult fight, the campers are able to scare the fairies off, and are tired from doing it.

Ruggie replies, "Whew, we finally drove the fairies away."

"What do you think that was about?" Epel asks.

"They were probably scared of the fire," Leona answers.

Everyone turns to Leona with confused expressions.

"What do you mean?" Grim asks.

And Ruggie asks, "How do you figure?"

"The mine has its own history, you know," Leona says, "Back when it was in use, one of the miners' campfires caused a massive forest fire. After that, the fairies in the woods around here started calling embers 'red flowers.' They've abhorred fire ever since. So they came to put it out."

"So they were trying to put the fire out so history won't repeat itself?" Briar asks.

Leona nods in response.

Suddenly, one of the mine ghosts appears, "That's it in a nutshell! You saved me the trouble of having to explain all that."

"Huh..." The group replies, confused.

"Wow. You really know your stuff," Briar says.

"Please. We learned that in class," Leona says, not really caring, "You and Epel are first-years, so I'll give them a pass, but the rest of you? How do you not know that?"

Ruggie & Club Members sheepishly reply, "Eh heh heh..."

Leona sighs, "Sheesh... You guys gotta know this stuff, or Vargas won't let you hear the end of it."

"What should we do about it, though?" Epel asks, "The fairies will keep coming back as long as the campfire's going, right?"

"Yeah..." Ruggie says.

He then asks, "Sooo, Leona. Any chance you'd watch over the campfire?"

"Nope," Leona refuses, "You don't need my help shooing away a few fairies. They can't be that strong if they're scared of a little fire. You guys can handle 'em. Thought you'd say that. Just had to ask."

"Okay, guess we'll have to take turns guarding the fire," Ruggie says, shrugging his shoulders.

Then says to the other campers, "The rest of you, go help out with the other challenges."

"Yes, sir!" Epel and the others reply.

"Looks like everyone in the Spelldrive Club is doing good," Briar says.

"Yeah. Wonder how the others are doing with the other clubs," Grim replies.

"I'm sure the others are doing fine," Briar says.

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