Chapter 4-6: I Don't Cower!

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After doing what they can, Jack and Deuce are able to scare off the fairies. Luckily, they're able to find more magestones.

Deuce sighs in relief, "Phew, they finally left. Last time it was ghosts, now it's fairies... I guess that's what you get with ma'gestones around. Anything could happen. Let's find a magestone, and quick."

"Right. ...Yeah, there's a ton of that white rock layer Leona was talking about. Our prospects are looking better already," Jack says.

Sometime later, the Track Club members reach the entrance to meet with one of the ghosts.

Deuce presents one of the stones to him, "Does this magestone work?"

The ghost giggles, "Whee hee hee! It sure does. You pass! Here's a Vargas badge for you," And presents the Track Team the Vargas badge.

"Thank you!" Deuce says.

"Well, you were right on the money. That was a great spot for magestones," Jack says.

Character Grim Icon

"Well, you surely did a good job fighting those fairies," Jasper says.

Deuce snickers, "Yeah, except you ended up getting chased and trying to swat them away like flies. At least, you didn't cower away like Grim would do."

Jasper crosses his arms, "I don't cower away from this. Besides, those fairies are annoying. You were trembling as well

That wasn't trembling! I was swinging a pickaxe!" Deuce says, but realizes he doesn't have his pickaxe, "Wait, the pickaxe... Aw, crud!"

"What's wrong?" Jasper says, shocked.

"I forgot to grab the pickaxe after we got the magestone. I can't just lose a piece of school equipment. I'm gonna go get it real quick!" Deuce says.

"Want me to come with you?" Jasper asks.

"I'll be fine. I'm just gonna zip in, grab it, and come right back. We already shooed the fairies away, so they should be lying low for a bit. Go on back to the campsite. I'll catch up once I'm done," Deuce says.

"Sure thing. See you soon," Jack says.

Deuce then hurries back into the mine to find his pickaxe.

Deuce looks around, "Now, where's that pickaxe..." And soon finds it, "Ah, there you are!"

Suddenly, Deuce hears a noise, "Hm? What's that noise? Is something coming?"

Deuce looks around and suddenly notices something in the mine. It's in the dark area so it's hard to see, but the silhouette seems all too familiar.

Deuce squints his eyes to see the figure, "Wait, that silhouette..." And his eyes wide in shock and disbelief, "No, it can't be!" and the figure is coming closer and closer.

And then screams in fright, "AAAAHHH!"

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