Chapter 5-6: No Sense at All

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Ruggie says, "Okay, guys! Get your backs to the fire and keep your eyes peeled! The shadow that attacked Coach Vargas could be right around the corner!"

Suddenly, Jack hears something, "What's that sound?!"

Suddenly, Ruggie yelps in fright, "Ack! Something's flying straight at us! Get out of the way!"

And suddenly, there is a, "CRASH!" sound.

Everyone looks to see a large boulder has fallen on the fireplace, and crushes it into pieces, putting out the fire and making the area darken.

"A boulder...?" Ruggie says, shocked, "Oh, crud! It put out our campfire! Everybody, stay down! You don't wanna get pancaked by a rock like that!"

Suddenly, a spelldrive member screams, "AAAUGH!"

A Track Club Member cries out, "NOOO!"

Ruggie looks around, "What's with all the screams?! Is it hunting us down in the dark?!"

"I-I can't do this! We're finished! A Basketball Club Member cries out.

An Equestrian Club Member panics, "We're like sitting ducks here! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"

Soon, the campers begins running away screaming and panicking, "

"COME ON, guys! We've already determined running's a bad idea!" Ruggie says.

Sebek becomes irritated, "Rgh... Control yourselves, pathetic humans! You're getting in my way! They keep bumping into me! How am I supposed to fight back like this?!"

Riddle cries out, "SEBEK! WATCH OUT!"

"What?!" Sebek questions.

Suddenly, Riddle cries out, "AAAGH!"

Ruggie searches around, "Riddle? RIDDLE!"

Suddenly, more screams appears, "GYAAAH! AIEEE!"

"Pfft. You guys got no sense at all," Floyd says.

And with that, Floyd uses his magic to make fire and is able to make a new fireplace.

"We've got light again!" Ruggie says, surprised, and sighs in relief, "Whew... Looks like the attacks have stopped too," Then turns to Floyd, "Thanks for lighting the fire, Floyd. I'm impressed you managed to hit the wood with your fire magic in all that chaos," But soon Ruggie becomes concerned, "Wait, did you generate any blot? Are you okay?!"

"I just lit a fire. That'll hardly get me any blot. Besides, this ain't the time to be frettin' about our reserves. Look around. Most everyone's gone," Floyd says, looking around.

Ruggie soon looks around to see most of the campers have disappeared.

"It caught us completely off guard..." Sebek says.

"I was so preoccupied with dodging the attacks, I couldn't think straight," Ruggie says.

Suddenly, they heat a familiar voice, "Ow..."

The group turns to see Sereia is sitting on the ground and feels pain in her head.

"Sereia, are you okay?" Jack asks, concerned.

"I think so. But there's a, a monster. It took the others. It barely got me, but I fell so it missed me, but the others are gone," Sereia says and is in tears.

"So we're the only ones left," Ruggie says, "The five of us. That's it."

"... Looks like it," Floyd says, "I wanted to see what we were dealin' with, but it took off so fast I couldn't make anything out."

"It was probably that shadow..." Jack says before becoming frustrated, "Blast it all! Everything happened so fast, I barely had time to react!"

"We won't be able to pick up the shadow's tracks or its smell with the campsite such a mess," Ruggie says.

"Even Goldfishie's gone. That shadow's gotta be mighty strong," Floyd says.

"Riddle... He covered me..." Sebek says, realizing what has happened, "I NEVER ASKED HIM TO DO ANY SUCH THING!"

"Is that how you talk about someone who saved your bacon?!" Jack questions angrily.

Sebek shouts back, "Silence! His assistance was unneeded and unwanted! I... I should have been able to easily protect one or two weak humans..." and is clearly upset.

"Sebek..." Jack responds.

Then Ruggie says, "Ugh... Look, we can beat ourselves up about this later! Right now, we need to figure out how to make it through the night! I think our best play is to split up and run in different directions."

"You're proposing we FLEE?!" Sebek questions.

"The smartest thing we can do is make sure one of us lasts long enough to tell the headmage!" Ruggie says.

"But I can't just abandon the other campers!" Jack says.

"AGREED," Sebek says, "If I were to leave Riddle to his fate... No, if I were to turn my back on ANY enemy and flee, I would be the most pathetic excuse for a guardsman that ever lived! Silver would undoubtedly say the same! I cannot bring shame upon Malleus's name!"

"I don't wanna leave Briar and the others either," Sereia says, wiping the tears from her face.

"Then how do you suggest we deal with that shadow if we're staying here? Do we just sit around the fire and chill as it picks us off one by one?" Sebek questions.

"Well..." The boys think.

And then Floyd says, "Oh, that's easy. We just take it down."

Everyone turns to Floyd with shocked expressions.

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