Chapter 4-3: Heeere, Fishie, Fishie...

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Meanwhile at the lakeside, Grim and Briar walk over to the lake to check on the Spelldrive Club members.

Grim calls out, "What's the word, Spelldrive Club?"

"Hey!" Epel says, "What about Grim and Briar? This'll be my third..." And fishes out another fish, "Catch!"

"Ooo, you're gettin' the hang of this, huh? Not strugglin' at all," Grim says, amazed.

"You did a great job," Briar says.

"I picked up a lot from Ruggie. We still haven't caught a giant catfish, though," Epel says.

"Hmm..." Ruggie says and thinks about it. Then Ruggie says, "Hey Epel, toss me that fish you just caught."

"Oh, sure. It's the club's anyway," Epel says, passing the fish to Ruggie, "What are you going to do with it?"

"Cut it up and use it for bait," Ruggie says, "Giant catfish are voracious eaters. They'll eat anything you throw at 'em. But there's no telling if one'll show up with the way we've been doing things. So we need juicier bait. Something that'll instantly draw 'em out."

Soon, Epel understands, "So you use the big fish as bait to catch even bigger fish... You're a genius, Ruggie! You really do know everything."

Ruggie snickers, "Shyeheehee! Save your compliments for when we've actually caught one. And be sure to follow up with a token of gratitude," He then cut the fish up and attached the piece to the hook, "Here you go. I've baited the hook. Give it a try."

"Thank you. Here goes nothing!" Epel says and then casts his line and lure.

Now Epel waits, "I'm feeling a bit nervous..."

"You're doing fine," Ruggie says.

He then calls out, "C'mon... Heeere, fishie, fishie..."

"......Hm?" Epel responds, noticing something.

Then something grabs the line, making him yelp, "Whoa!"

And with that, something begins pulling on the line as Epel hangs on to the pole.

"And there it is!" Ruggie says.

"Yes, I've definitely got a bite!" Epel says and holds on to the pole, "And it's way stronger than any of the other fish we've caught so far!"

Ruggie snickers, "Shyeheehee, that's gotta be our catfish! Okay, Epel, not to insult your intelligence or anything, but DON'T LET GO!"

Epel does the same and holds on to the pole, "I won't,'s dragging me into the lake!"

Ruggie calls out, "Spelldrive Club! Quit slackin' and get over here! We need all hands on deck to keep Epel on dry land!"

"Yes, sir!" The club members say.

Grim says with excitement, "Briar! They're reelin' in a big one!"

Briar brings out her camera, "I've got the camera ready! This will make a great photo!"

Suddenly, Ruggie hears something, "Wait a minute... That sound..."

And soon, the fairies arrive on the scene and begin to attack.

Soon, the member calls out, "Ruggie! Fairies incoming!"

"I know! Geez, who just interrupts a big moment like this?" Ruggie says.

And calls out, "Epel, stay focused on that fish! Everybody else, back him up! I'll shoo off these fairies!"

And Ruggie begins to chase the fairies away as Epel and the others try to get the fish.

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