Chapter 5-1: Relax

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Later that night in the campsite...

Vargas announces, "Okay, the day two challenges are officially over! Looks like every club made it through without missing any badges. I'm already seeing more definition on those muscles!"

"I don't see any difference," Grim replies.

"Tomorrow is the last day of Camp Vargas," Vargas says, " Which means you'll be facing your final challenge. You'll find out more about it when the time comes. Keep your heads in the game and give it 110 percent! Any questions? If not, you're all dismissed."

Suddenly, someone calls out, "Coach?"

Everyone turns to see Jamil and Floyd.

"I have a concern, actually," Jamil says.

Vargas says, "Ah, Viper, with the Basketball Club. What is it?"

"Ace Trappola hasn't been back to camp since yesterday," Jamil says.

"Hm. Trappola, huh?" Vargas responds.

"That's right, sir. No one's seen him since yesterday afternoon. I'm worried something might've happened..." Jamil says.

But after a matter of minutes of silence, Vargas begins laughing with a big smile, "HAAH HAH HAH HAH!Relax, Viper. He's probably too ashamed to face you guys after skipping out on his assignment. He'll be back when his stomach starts rumblin'! You should be more concerned with your next challenge! Make sure to rest up those muscles— you need to be ready for anything. Dismissed!" And then takes his leave.

Riddle sighs, "What is Ace thinking, making his club members worry like that? I'll need to instill a sense of Heartslabyul propriety into him...again."

But Silver walks over and says, "Excuse me, Riddle. Sorry to disturb you. I'd like to discuss our campfire shifts tonight, if I may. I wasn't much use last night, so I wanted to make up for it by taking Sebek's shift."

But Sebek says, "Please, don't. You'll just end up nodding off. You must accept this is beyond your capabilities and let it go."

"All right, you've both made your points. Let's discuss it with the rest of the club when we get back to our tents," Riddle says.

At the other part of cam, Briar and the others are wondering where Ace could have disappeared to.

"Where'd Ace run off to?" Grim questions, "If he's been gone since yesterday afternoon... Does that mean he ain't eaten for a whole day?!"

"I hope he's okay..." Briar says, concerned.

But the Grim says, "Then again, we know what a schemer that guy is. Maybe he's found somethin' good and is keepin' it to himself. I'll get the answers outta him when we find him!"

Suddenly, Vargas says, "Record keepers! Time to head back to the cottage!"

"There's Vargas; we better get goin'," Jasper says.

Then Grim says, "Aw, geez, I hope he doesn't make us sit on that bench he's using as a dumbbell to add extra weight again."

Briar and the others soon begin heading back to camp.

Back at the campsite, Jamil and Floyd are trying to think of what could have happened to Ace.

Jamil says, "I have a hard time believing that shame is preventing Ace from coming back. Since when does he even have any?"

"But if Coach Lobster says it's cool, he's probably fine, right?" Floyd responds.

"Lobster?" Jamil says, confused.

But quickly knows who Floyd is referring to, "...Oh. You mean Vargas. Granted, despite his ego, Coach Vargas isn't the type to take his duties lightly. He's responsible and has sound judgment. Maybe he's right and I'm worried about nothing."

"There you go. Look, you know how loud and annoying Coach Lobster is, yeah? You tellin' me you never feel like you wanna skip out on a couple straight days of that? So stop worryin' over one little crabby. Let's head back to our tents and—" Floyd says.

But then Ruggie calls out, "Hey, Floyd?"

Floyd turns to see Ruggie and Epel.

Floyd says, "Hm? Oh hey, Sharksucker. Guppy. Whaddaya need?"

"Epel wants to talk to you two," Ruggie says.

Epel steps forward and says, "So, um... You said Ace hasn't come back to camp?"

"Yeah, but I ain't too worried," Floyd says.

But then Epel says, "...He's not the only one who's missing."

"What?" Jamil & Floyd reply confused.

"We haven't been able to find Leona since this morning!" Epel says.

"Leona's gone too?" Jamil questions.

"So what? No surprise there," Floyd says, not giving s care, "It's Sea Lion. He's probably off catnapping somewhere."

Ruggie turns to Epel, "See, Epel? Just like I said. No need to worry. Think about it. This is Leona and Ace we're talking about. Leona sneaks off to relax practically every day. And our teachers and Riddle lecture Ace all the time for cutting class. I'm sure Coach Vargas is right. They're just slacking off."

"Hmm... You think so?" Epel responds, "Maybe I AM worried over nothing. Sorry to bother you all."

But then Jack came along, "Hey, uh... Guys?"

Ruggie turns to see Jack, "Oh, hey Jack," And notices Jack seems uneasy, "What's up? You look a little shaken."

After a moment of silence, Jack says, "...He's gone."

"Huh?" Ruggie says, confused.

"It's Deuce... He hasn't come back to camp either," Jack says.

This shocked the others to hear that Deuce is also gone and hasn't returned to camp.

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