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'The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. '

Romans 8:6

We might like to think our minds are free. In reality however, they're governed by one of two things. We're either governed by the flesh- our old sinful nature- or by the Holy Spirit of God.

We're all flesh and bone. Naturally, we want to satisfy our fleshly desires. Of course, we need food, drink and shelter for example, but the flesh is greedy for more than just our needs.

If we're governed by our basic desires, we're going to die. We all face death, but for that to be our final destiny is a fearful thing. We need eternal life that only faith in Christ and the receipt of His Spirit can bring.

If we welcome God's Spirit into our hearts, we're inviting eternal life and peace with God in. Not only so, but we can be at peace within ourselves, knowing the joy of sins forgiven. It's all because of Jesus.

'God Almighty, please don't let us be brainwashed by the world that it's okay for our minds to be governed by the flesh. May Your Spirit take over governance of our minds, in Christ's name, amen'.

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