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Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?

Job 38:2

Almost the whole book of Job so far has been Job, his friends, and the young man Elihu philosophising as to why he is suffering. Their ponderings weren't borne out of an ivory tower but out of the furnace of affliction. Job has been crying out to God to hear him. His listeners have said he's too evil and insignificant to be heard, but now God responds.

Have you ever wondered how God would respond to you and your philosophising about him? Note his response to Job and Co. They were seeking to be respectful towards him but he's not impressed by their misrepresentation of him.

Job and Co are like blind men trying to make sense of an elephant. Then God comes along and says, "I created that". When we consider God's creation, and how tiny we are on an insignificant planet circling an average star in a galaxy among innumerable galaxies- all we can say is "who are we that God should consider us? Who are we to question any of his ways?"

God never answers Job as to why he suffers (we get clues in the introduction and postscript). What he does do is cause Job to put his suffering into perspective. Despite the fact we are so insignificant compared to the Almighty, he still cares for us. Not only so but he became one of us to reconcile us back to himself.

"Almighty God, who are we that you should be mindful of us? Who are we to question any of your ways? But thank you that despite our insignificance you care for us and want to reconcile us to yourself. Please do so, in Jesus' name, amen"

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