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2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

Note that 'all' Scripture is God breathed. We're not just to be 'red letter' Christians who only believe the words Jesus physically spoke. Neither are we to reject the old testament.

The God breathed old testament is profitable for teaching. In fact, another word for the torah, or law, is teaching. The first five books of the Bible are God 'laying down the law' and teaching us to live lives defined by love.

Uncomfortably, we need reproof and correction for not living lives defined by love. Reproof warns us, and tells us off when we go astray. Correction brings us back, it draws us back into God's way.

The Bible trains us to be righteous, to be Christlike, to be men and women of God. If we follow its teaching we will not be put to shame. We will know to take reproof and correction where necessary, and to follow Christ on the narrow Way of life.

'Lord our God, how we praise You for Your Holy Scriptures. May we build our lives upon them, for Your honour we pray, amen'.

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