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‭Psalm 146:3 ESV‬
Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation.


This seems a rather apt verse for today in the UK, where a general election is held tomorrow. Most people are apathetic/fatalistic about it. Yet for those who are more passionate about politics, this verse is a good reminder.

At least every few years, politicians tell us to trust them. Consistently, they prove untrustworthy. The Bible urges us not to trust in them.

Thankfully, most politicians aren't cynical. Most are well meaning. Nonetheless, there is no salvation in politics.

Salvation is found in no-one other than the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only way, truth and life. No-one comes to Father God except through Him.

'Sovereign Lord, please help us to have a healthy scepticism about politics, and a hearty trust in You. Thank You for never letting us down. In Christ's name, amen'

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