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And they said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household."

Acts 16:31

The question that prompted this response was similar to mine when I became a Christian: "What must I do to be saved?" Mum responded with 1 John 1:9- "If we confess our sins,:God is faithful and just and will cleanse us from all unrighteousness". Paul and Silas took a different approach here.

The jailer, as with anyone, needed to believe. This is an action, and exercise of the will. It isn't a passive acceptance but an active faith in Christ to save. Even faith is a gift of God, so that no-one can boast. It's all about trusting in Jesus.

Salvation isn't dependent upon us and our works, it's dependent on the Lord Jesus and what he has done for us. He has given his life for us and risen again victorious over the grave. It was the only way we could be saved.

Salvation is an individual response to the grace of God, but often he saves whole households. Such was the case with the Philippian jailer and his household. No doubt he didn't just have his family but a few servants as well, and they all came to faith in the Lord Jesus for their salvation.

"Lord God, I believe in Jesus for my salvation. I thank you that you have responded to my faith which you gave me in him and have saved me. I look forward to the culmination of that salvation in glory, and ask that you would use me to bring others to salvation. In Jesus' name, amen"

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