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But rise and enter the city, and you will be told what to do.

Acts 9:6

Saul had been a devout, murderous religious man intent on destroying the church. But then he was confronted with Jesus Christ in his Damascus Road conversion, and his life was turned right side up.

But little did he know that he was to become the greatest kind of person he had sought to destroy: a follower of Jesus. He had no idea that he was to become God's chosen instrument to bring the good news of the Jewish Messiah to the Gentiles. Jesus wasn't for the Jews alone but is the Saviour of the world, and Paul was going to take him to the Roman world.

Paul's Christian life had pretty humble origins though. He wasn't told of all that he'd become, he was just told to go into the city and he'd be told what to do: to be baptised and to tell the good news of Jesus to others. He was just told one step at a time.

It's similar with us and guidance: we might not be told the full picture but we will be shown the next steps. We're not told to know all the answers, but simply to be obedient to God in the present, and trust him for the future. Who knows where such simple submission will lead us!

"Lord, you are my God, and I trust you to guide me every step of the way. Help me to be faithful to you, and see you do great things through me. Forgive me for times I mistrust your plan, and lead me in the way everlasting. For your glory, amen"

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