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Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity.

Ecclesiastes 1:2

If I heard a preacher say that I'd be tempted to say, "let's all pack up and go home then!" But we have to hear him out. Solomon is talking about life "under the sun", in the physical world, apart from God. He sought and failed to find meaning in it outside of his faith.

So Solomon sought out wisdom. But he found much wisdom stressed him out as he became aware of so much wrong I'm the world. So he indulges himself in wine and escapism. But he was left with a hangover. Then he threw himself into his work and completed great building projects. Even that felt like a striving after the wind.

Solomon was one of the wealthiest men who ever lived. But he knew he couldn't take his wealth with him when he died, so it seemed pretty meaningless. He had hundreds of women, but they drew his heart after false gods. Having them was vanity to him.

So if such a rich, powerful man, who had the resources to taste everything life has to offer, concluded that it's all empty, then what is the meaning of life? There's nothing wrong with wisdom, wine, work, wealth and women, but they can never provide ultimate purpose. Solomon concluded that the worship of God is the meaning of life. We are to fear him, and keep his commandments.

"God, forgive me if I have idolised wisdom, wine, work, wealth, women or anything else. Help me to worship you alone and find my ultimate meaning in you. In Jesus' name, amen"

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