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And he said to him, "Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise"

Luke 23:43

The dying criminal had been hurling insults at Jesus. But then he stopped and rebuked the other criminal who was doing the same. "We're getting what we deserve: but this man's innocent!" Then he turned to Jesus and said "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom".

What faith that man had, even if it was at the last minute! Jesus was being executed and about to die, but the criminal still had faith that he would come into the kingdom. Jesus had been the biggest phenomenon in Palestine, and the criminal had doubtless heard something of Jesus' message. In summary Jesus taught, "Repent! For the kingdom of God is at hand!"

I think it was Spurgeon who said there was one dying conversion so that no one needs to despair, but only one, so that none might presume. Yes, it is possible for people to be saved on their deathbed. But although death is inevitable it is never predictable. We can never bank on a slow enough departure or a contrite enough heart to repent at the last.

Jesus' reply to the dying criminal is beautiful: "Today you will be with me in paradise". Jesus proves that death is not a full stop, it's a comma: death isn't the end, it is the doorway into eternity. Are you ready today?

"Jesus, remember me now you have come into your kingdom and are exalted in heaven. Remember me when you return to judge, and remember me when you call your people home. I plead your death and resurrection on my behalf. Save me, for your glory, amen"

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