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If others share this rightful claim on you, do not we even more?

Nevertheless, we have not made use of this right, but we endure anything rather than put an obstacle in the way of the gospel of Christ.

1 Corinthians 9:12

We live in an age of rights: human rights, equality legislation, workplace regulations etc. Much of it is good stuff. But one man's rights often infringe on another man's freedom. Someone might be judged by the law to compel someone to bake a cake with a political slogan. But by doing so they could be trampling on the baker's conscience.

Paul and his mission team had a right to claim some remuneration for their work among the rich but stingy Corinthians. But for the sake of the gospel he wouldn't claim his rights. In Thessalonica he worked night and day as a tentmaker to support his evangelism.

The gospel, the good news is free grace to us in Christ. Paul offered it freely. But he couldn't live off fresh air. Having received freely, the Corinthians should have given freely back to Paul. But he wasn't going to insist on it because his priority was that they should accept the gospel.

The Bible emphasises responsibilities over rights. I may not have a right to hear the gospel of Christ; but having heard it I have a responsibility to share it with others. God, give us the grace to forgo our own rights for the sake of the gospel!

"God, give us the grace to forego our own rights for the sake of the gospel. Let us fulfil our responsibility to tell others of the free salvation available in Christ. For His glory, amen"

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