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For no word from God will ever fail."

Luke 1:37 (NIV)

Of course, people regularly accuse God's word of failing. They assume that God owes them health, wealth and happiness for example. In reality, we deserve hell for our rebellion against Him.

For those who trust God, this verse can be an encouragement. It assures us that when He promises to save those who trust in Jesus, He will do so. It doesn't depend on us, but upon His mercy.

For those who don't trust in the Lord, this verse serves as a warning. God's word warns that those who refuse to turn to Him in repentance and faith will be condemned. In that case we need to turn our lives around.

In this world of uncertainties and the unreliabilities of people, this verse is a rock on which we can build our lives. In fact, Jesus says that we should build our lives upon Him and upon the rock of His words. 'On Christ the solid rock we stand, all other ground is sinking sand'.

'God Almighty, we're grateful that Your word will never fail. It's such a reassurance that in this unreliable world, we can depend upon You. Please help us to do so. In Christ's name, amen'

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