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Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

Proverbs 13:20 (NIV)

This verse might seem like a no brainer, but many people don't heed its warning. If we want to become wise, we should learn from the wise. This requires spending time with them.

I'm reminded of John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, where one of the characters the main character Christian comes across is Mr Talkative, who has a lot to say. Sadly, he has nothing of any value to contribute. Christian realises he needs to pick his travelling companions well.

Life is a pilgrimage. Who we travel with has a lot to do with where we end up. If we're on the wide road that leads to destruction, it's busy, but it's not going to end well for us.

If we travel on the narrow highway of holiness, there might not be many companions along the way. Yet it's worth it, because the destination is eternal life with God. We would be wise to go God's way, which is personified by the Lord Jesus Christ.

'Heavenly Father, please help us to go Your way. Help us to be wise and to avoid bad company. In the name of Christ Jesus we pray, amen'

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