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Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

Galatians 6:10 (NIV)

The Galatian church wasn't necessarily bad at doing good, Paul just saw fit to remind them. The Thessalonian church on the other needed sterner words from Paul. They thought the end was nigh in a very immediate sense, so they were just sitting around waiting for the rapture.

We can't just fritter time away waiting for Christ's return. We are to work hard so that we might not just provide for ourselves, but also to help other people. If we don't provide for our own families, we're worse than unbelievers, because even they do that.

We're not just to provide for ourselves selfishly. We're not even just to provide for our immediate families. Charity might start at home, but it shouldn't end at home.

Yes, we're to do good insofar as we're able to everyone. However, our priority should be the family of faith. Everyone needs good, but our families should be where our goodness starts.

'Heavenly Father, please help us to be practically good, and not just to talk the talk. May we walk the walk of faith, and be blessings to others. In Christ's name, amen'

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