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I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world.

John 16:33

Jesus has told his followers of his great love for them. He has promised the Holy Spirit to help them in their time of need. He has assured them that their sorrow will turn to joy. And he has declared that he has overcome the world. With such great promises, it's no wonder that his followers could be confident of peace.

But an undercurrent of these final chapters of John is great tragedy. Jesus, the great I am, is about to be arrested and condemned to death for trumped up charged of blasphemy and treason. His followers who were expecting a victorious Messiah, were confused and upset. Jesus knew what was coming to him, but he only had thought for his friends, that they would be comforted in their loss.

Troubles are all too familiar for all of us. Maybe we have trouble with family, finances, as victims of crime or ill health. Troubles come to us all. Humans are resilient and can often cope without acknowledging God, but only in Him can we know true peace that transcends even death.

How can we take heart in the face of trouble? Because Jesus has overcome the world. In his miracles he had overcome a disastrous celebration, given the blind sight, helped the lame walk, let the mute speak, driven out demons, controlled the weather, fed thousands with a packed lunch and brought people back from the dead. Absolutely every trouble we can meet has been defeated by Jesus. He even defeated his own death, so we can have eternal life.

"Lord God, thank you for the peace you give. Despite the troubles I face, I praise you for overcoming the world, and ask that you help me to take heart. For the glory of your name, amen"

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