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Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Philippians 4:6 (NIV)

Anxiety comes naturally to us. It's a pointless emotion however. Anxiety considers worst case scenarios which in all likelihood will never come to pass.

Jesus commands us not to worry. After all, it can't extend our lives, it just wastes our time. Paul gives us some alternatives.

The best thing to do with anxiety is to leave it with God. We can pray to Him and petition Him to help us with our worries. He's happy to hear and respond to us.

Instead of being anxious about the future, it is good to be thankful for all God's blessings. As the old hymn goes, 'count your blessings, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done'. If we try and count our blessings honestly, we're bound to lose count!

'Dear Lord, please help us to leave our anxieties with You. May we be thankful for all Your goodness to us, as You deserve, In the name of Christ we pray, amen'

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