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Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.

Matthew 16:24 (NIV)

People tend to like to think about how to win friends and to influence people. Jesus seems to be teaching how to lose friends and to alienate people! He didn't want fair weather followers.

Jesus didn't flatter people into the kingdom of God. He left them under no illusions as to the cost of following Him. Life isn't easy as a follower of Jesus.

We must deny ourselves. We're not to be selfish. We're to love God and to love others, as we love ourselves.

We have to take up our cross. We should be prepared to go to the electric chair as it were for our faith in Jesus. He demands our very lives of us: most of us won't be martyred, but we have to be prepared to be.

'Lord God Almighty, please help us to count the cost of following You. Help us to realise that an eternity in Your presence, enjoying and glorifying You forever, is worth it. In Jesus' name we pray, amen'

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