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I have made a covenant with my eyes; how then could I gaze upon a virgin?

Job 31:1

If Proverbs 31 is about the ideal woman; Job 31 is the male equivalent. The whole chapter is well worth a read. If you are a man it will set a standard for integrity; and if you're a woman it will show you what sort of man you should marry.

Job talks about his integrity in business, relationships, employment, welfare, money, worship; in his attitudes. And in this first verse he talks about his attitude to women. He refused to lust after women.

Not only did Job refuse to lust after women, but he made a covenant with his eyes. He made a solemn promise to himself to not even entertain the thought of inappropriate conduct towards a woman. If we don't resolve to resist temptation, we will never withstand it at all.

People often want to know how far they can go with women before marriage. Job didn't even want to entertain the thought. He was married, but I'm sure his principles were the same before and after his marriage.

What about us? If we want to be the kind of men that parents would want their daughter to bring home we should do as Job did. The same applies for women in reverse, although because women aren't as visual as men perhaps it isn't so much of an issue for them.

"God Almighty, I covenant to not look at a (wo)man with lustful intent. Forgive me for those times that I have, and please change me by your Holy Spirit. In Jesus' name, amen"

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