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But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

1 Corinthians 7:9

Paul often comes across to many as strict, restrictive and conservative. But when it comes to marriage he's really practical. He believes singleness is better because you can devote yourself 100% to the Lord. But marriage is a good thing as well, and he encourages it here.

Self control is in short supply in our culture. For Paul the solution is marriage. Sadly, marriage isn't well regarded in our culture, and has been twisted to try and define it as something that is an abomination in the eyes of the Maker.

Rather than to exercise self control or getting married, young men in our culture are increasingly getting addicted to pornography and sleeping around, with no real commitment to anything except the attempt to satisfy lust. That's increasingly leaving young women without the option of settling down and starting families within the commitment of marriage.

For Paul, long courtships and engagements are unbiblical: if you burn with lust, get married! To prolong the limbo of dating is only to put oneself in temptation's path. Still, all this is not to excuse a lack of self control or discipline. Neither is it to demean the institution of marriage, which is a great blessing from God.

"Heavenly Father, please give me self control. But if it is your will that I should marry then please make the way clear and speed the day until that is possible! Thank you for all your blessings, including the gift of singleness, enabling single-minded devotion to you. In Jesus' name, amen"

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