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"556, 557,559...560! Hyungie, there it is!" Jungkook chirped with his bright smile while showing his bunny teeths as he turned around only to see Taehyung who was right behind him.

Taehyung put the younger's bags securely and looked at the boy who had already sat down on his seat while looking outside reaching the peak of his excitement, his doe eyes were even more shinier than usual. Taehyung still doesn't understand how he found these little things so exciting, indeed he was so lively.

Taehyung noticed the front two seats were still empty, the seat owner still hadn't arrived yet which made him reckless, wondering what kind of people there would be. What if they tease Jungkook or harass him or do something bad to him. In simple words it was just an excuse, an excuse for him to go with the boy. But the excuse wasn't enough for his mind to buy it.

He really didn't want to let Jungkook go by a train all alone, the boy literally can go by his car and this will make him less worried. He just hopes some grandma will be the owner of the seats.

"Hyungie! Hyungie, look cotton candy!!" Jungkook squealed as his hand automatically reached to clutch onto the elder's blazer, with an obvious intention of getting the elder's attention on him.

"That's for kids, Jungkook." Taehyung replied which came out real harsh for the said boy. It didn't take much time for Jungkook's lips to turn upside down turning into a big pout and his shiny eyes to get teary, tears threatening to fall down any moment, which was too dangerous for Taehyung's heart to be very honest.

And that's how Taehyung ended up buying Jungkook two cotton candy which he doubts if the boy could eat all by himself. Taehyung felt dumbfounded by how Jungkook's face changed in one second, his big pouty lips wasted no time to capture a big smile as his teary eyes became shiny again.

"Yummyy! Hyungie, you should try it, it's so tasty!" Said by Jungkook who was busy enjoying his cotton candy, totally unconscious about how the man beside him was staring at his lips which were looking lowkey glossy.

Without him realizing Taehyung licked his lips, eyes being glued to the eating boy's glossy lips. He swore to god he just wanted to lick the younger's lips, just a little lick. He can guarantee those lips will be more tasty than this cotton candy.

"Jungkook?" A familiar voice can be heard by the both male as they both looked up to see who was the owner of the heard voice. Jungkook's eyes widened seeing Jake in front of him with a little girl who was tightly holding his index finger, he supposed she is Jake's younger sister.

"Good morning, Mr. Kim." Jake greeted and slightly bowed at Taehyung as Angel followed him a little bit in bowing.

"Jake! Oh my god what are you doing here?? And is she your little sister??" Jungkook greeted Jake with his questions as jumped off from his seat and handed his cotton candy to Taehyung who was sitting there with a blank face thinking what the fuck Jake is doing here. He never liked the boy, keyword never.

"Hellooooo~ you must be Angel, right??" Jungkook kneeled down reaching the same height as the little girl as he shot his brightest smile at her.

"Yupp.. Are you koo??" Said by Angel as she took a baby step towards Jungkook and tilted her head a bit. Jungkook swears he died from her cuteness. While Taehyung was literally shooting Jake death glare and Jake just stands there awkwardly.

"Yess oh my god! How do you know me? Is it because hyungie also calls me Angel too? " Jungkook let out a small gasp and Taehyung choked on air. Jungkook did not just say that, right??

"Oppa talks a lot about koo." Angel informed as she giggled out and it was Jake's time to choke on air. And Taehyung shoots his eyes at him.

"Oh! Really?" Jungkook softly gasped and looked up to see Jake who let out a nervous laugh.

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