Chapter 5

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He placed the last of the blocks he had on hand, and then moved over to the crafting table to make some stairs for a way to the second floor where the bedrooms were located. Then moved to getting some doors and torches. Soon Jevin returned with Hypno with goodies from the mines, once Hypno emptied his inventory into a nearby chest he came over to help finish the base Wells and him. It was not too long till it got to a point where it was livable so they all took a step back to look at what they had made.

"Well..." Wells started

"It's definitely a starter base" Jevin said emptying the last of is inventory

"Its ugly" Hypno said quite blankly

With that all three of them bust up laughing.

"Y-yeah it is" he said once he finished laughing.
"Hopefully we can make it look better over time" Wells said.

"Yeah it's just a starter base anyway- OW" Jevin yelped

"What happened?" Hypno asked

"It feels like I just got shot in the arm!" Jevin rubbed his arm.

He passed Jevin some steak he was able to grab earlier before grian sent a message saying that there are limited animales that spawn and they have to breed what ones they have.

"Must have been your soul bound" Wells said as he pulled the last of the glass out of the furnace.

"Mhm, I wonder who it could be" Jevin said as he leaned onto a tree.

"I don't know but hopefully we will all find out soon" Hypno said.

"Alright I am going to go wake Keralis and hopefully get him inside" he said

"Ok I am going to go and work on the inside" Wells moved to the door

"Yeah I will come with" Hypno also started collecting his things

"Same" Wells said setting down the last of the glass panes

And with that the other three went inside leaving himself and a sleeping Keralis that leaned up against a tree. On any other day Keralis being leaned up a tree would be normal, they would be chatting under the shade of the tree. Keralis would be playfully hitting him over some stupid joke. He would be easily dodging it or just letting Keralis him so he would have the satisfaction of doing so. It was their normal, this though... This was not normal and he was scared. He would never admit it to anyone but he was truly scared and what the future held for them.

He took a deep breath and shook Keralis shoulder "Keralis?"


" Seems like everything is going to plan" ??? said as they moved around the table

"Yes, this game will one hundred percent cause the most chaos yet" ??? flared their wing proud

"When should step 2 start?" ??? asked from their seat


Ha! you really thought I was going to leave you with two cliffhangers? I mean I was going to but I don't know how to mix it with the next chapter and this one is too short anyway.

"XB?" Keralis slowly opened his eyes "what happened?"

"Turns out we are soulmate's dude, and when I transformed you felt the pain of it. You passed out due to the pain and after that we let you rest, and found out scar and Iskall are soulmates. We then split up and now it's us, wells, Jevin and Hypno we just finished the base too." he rested his head on Keralis's shoulder as he explained everything.

"Mh..." Keralis rested is head on top of his "did you add any booshes to the base?"

He laughed "no we did not, we thought we could leave that for you as you are the best bush man"

That comment got Keralis to giggle

"We should get inside, we did light up this place but there could be somewhere we missed" he got up and held a hand out for Keralis.

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