Chapter 17

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"XB? XB I know you are awake, please get up" the voice in his head begged

"...I don't wanna" XB muttered

"Why? You have been lying there for hours!" XP placed a hand on his shoulder

"Because if I get up I will have to explain what happened to Stress and she has already been so kind I don't want to throw more of my problems on her" XB curled into himself

"You don't have to tell her anything, but you do need to get up" XP tried to push him up but gave up after XB just fell back down

"I don't want to, if I get up there is a chance he will come back" XB hugged himself

"And I will take care of him for you again, now please get up" XP begged

"No" XB refused

"If you don't I will go to Keralis and tell him everything myself" XP crossed their arms

XB groaned and slowly sat up "Fine you win, just please don't tell him"

"I won't but you will, you know and I know you want to talk with him again, you don't have to yet but you have too" XP said kicking their legs up and floating while leaning back

"No I don't and I won't, and I will do my best to not see him again" XB said sitting down cross legged

"You know one of you will die and you will have to see him again, I think you forgot this is a death game not just server" XP floated over to him

"Well I guess I will have to not die, and if I do or he does we will deal with it when it happens" XB said, before feeling his body being shacked awake, XB groaned "Well I guess I have to deal with life"

"Yup have fun dealing with your problems" XP sarcastically grinned

"Freak you" XB said before taking control for his waking body

"Sorry for waking you up XB, but you have been sleeping for awhile and I wanted to make sure you got some food" The void being said sitting at the end of the bed with a bowl of soup and a new looking mask

"Your fine Stress and thank you, I was hungry" XB said sitting up and taking the bowl from Stress "Also is that a new mask?"

"No problem sweetheart, and no sadly, I just painted the one Xisuma gave me and added some cute little details, It does fit better though!" Stress said putting a hand up to her mask showing off the new adjustment gear

"Oooo, it looks good though! I love the little butterflies" XB said, taking a bite of the amazing soup "And I love this soup! What's in it?"

"Thank you love! And it is a chicken soup, so chicken, noodles, carrots, green beans, onion, olive oil, and salt and pepper. Good and simple" Stress listed the ingredients

XB took another bite "mhhhhh, I am going to have to make this myself once we get out of this place"

"You can also stop by base whenever you want some too! Its lovely being able to talk to you more" Stress said with a excited look

"Definitely, it is nice to talk to you as well Stress, you are so kind" XB said taking another bite

"Thank you love, I do my best"

XB drank the last of the broth before fully getting out of bed "I am going to go wash my bowl, thank you again Stress"

"Anytime love!" Stress said getting up herself "I am going to go back outside to help the others with the base"

"Ok, I can come help if you guys want" he said before leaving the room

"That would be lovely dear" Stress said following him out

"Alright then, I will see you in a bit" XB waved Stress goodbye

"See you dear!" Stress said leaving

And he was alone again, he moved over to the kitchen and washed his dish and the others that were left in the sink before moving back to his room to clean himself up.

"See I told you it will be fine" XP said in his head

"Mhm" XB hummed, as he threw back on his hoodie that was thrown to the side before everything happened. He then headed back to the font and left the house/cave thing, and went to find were the others were working.

"XB!" a voice yelled from behind him

He turned around to find Scar rolling up to him "Oh hi Scar! What's up?"

"Hi! Ok first are you ok?" Scar asked putting his wheelchair brakes on

XB thought for a moment before replying "Yeah, I am ok just had an accident earlier, sorry" he half lied, no he was not ok.

"Ah ok, glad your doing better now, and the second thing is that Jevin and Beef are at the front of the base, they wanted to see you but Stress told them to wait and see if you wanted to see them" Scar said pointing to where they are "Xisuma sent me to come ask you"

"Oh..." was all he said. He really did leave them without telling them, they were his partners. They did not hurt him like Kerlais did. He owes them an explanation doesn't he...

"I mean if you don't want to see them no one will judge you, you seem to be going through a lot right now" Scar said

"No, no... I want to talk to them... I-I just don't know how I am going to explain any of this too them" XB said, bringing his arms up to hug himself loosely.

"Mh..." Scar said, bringing his own arms down to his lap "I know how that feels..." he sighed "so trust me when I say it's best to start with the truth, and anyway it's Beef and Jevin they are your friends I am sure they will understand" Scar said trying and failing at setting a hand on XB's shoulder so he settled on XB's arm.

" Thank you Scar..." XB said looking at the ground "I-I am going to go talk to them now..."

"Would you like me to join you? Or anyone else? It may help" Scar asked

He thought it over before deciding "No... I-" he paused "I want to do it myself"

Scar nodded before moving his arm down "Alright, I will let the others know, call if you need help"

XB nodded before looking over at the wall that was being worked on.

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