Chapter 7

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They all made their way to spawn for a meeting. Everyone got called that afternoon to figure out what was going on, as not only them but everyone was affected the night before. It was quite on the way there as the others were still working on learning how to walk and not fall. So he let his mind wonder to what Keralis said that morning.

"XB you can not get upset or think about bad stuff" Keralis looked him right in the eyes, more serious than he had ever seen him.

"What?" he asked

"I no can tell you, please XB" Keralis squeezed his arm.

"Ok Keralis I will do my best to not get upset" now he was really worried, Keralis only calls him his name when he is upset or it's something important. "Can I know why though?"

"I am sorry princess I no can tell like I said" Keralis looked sad when he said this.

"It's ok Keralis, if it comes to the point where you need to tell me I know you will. He moved to take Keralis hand.

"Sp'ank you princess" Keralis gave him a week smile".

He wondered why Keralis wanted him to keep his anger in check. I mean if we did change species that would mean he was now a normal human right? Why would he have to keep his emotions natural if he was a human? Did humans have weird emotion burst? I mean that would explain when mumbo is acting like he lost his mind, but that was mostly because of lack of sleep.

Whatever it was he must have had his reason.

"XB!" Jevin yelled pushing him

"What the frick dude! What was that for?" he said brushing the dirt off.

"XB we have been calling you for the last five minutes, we tapped you on the shoulder, shook you, and hit you but that only got Keralis attention, are you ok?" Wels said.

"Oh" he said "what do yall need?"

"We are just about there, and we asked you if you were ok" Hypno said

"Oh... well I am ok just got lost in thought" he responded

"Alright, we should keep going though it seems like everyone is already there" Hypno said, his ear twitching.

It did not take too long for the group to get there and as Hypno said they were the last there. It seemed everyone was something they were not yesterday. Beef was now a slime hybrid; he must be Jevins soulbound, Zedaph was now a bee hybrid so Hypno's soulbound. Mumbo seemed to be an angel hybrid and Ren a creeper hybrid.

Seemed like everyone was grouping with their soulbound, which was easier to find now that everyone switched species with their soulbound. Some people looked happy to find who their soulbound was and some looked terrified.

He moved over to where Keralis was talking to Xisuma who was now a butterfly hybrid so Stress's soulbound he guessed.

The two seemed to be talking about everything that's been going on in their separate groups.

"Yeah aside from all that Beef sticking to everything was the hardest thing to deal with this morning" Xisuma sighed.

"Yeah I guess becoming a giant sticky strap overnight won't be that easy for Beefers" Keralis said sympathetically

"Honesty everyone will need to learn from their soulbounds on how to live again and how to properly act without getting themself or someone else hurt. This morning grian went to move something but ended up throwing it over 100 feet since he forgot how strong he was now." Xisuma explained

"We should first find who is with who so we all k-now and so we can figure out who will need to be watched over the most." Keralis said leaning into him making his face light up a little

Xisuma laughed a little at this then responded "Yeah lets get everyone together".

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