I Hope if You Ever Hear my Name...

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That it doesn't bring you pain. -The Missing Road by Radical Face.
The next book in the impossible court case against the illuminati mafia that you cannot win but you are winning. This court case started off with telling YOU exactly what to do and how to do it, second my own case which took a few book fulls. It is based on my Faith in GOD and JESUS, My lords, and then goes onto everything that I have experienced and suffered, and how GOD and JESUS have saved our lives. my family are missing people. my children are with murderers who are masked. I am held hostage and prisoner inside thier main murder base. This is the story of our freedom to come, and the books continue until afterwards when we are saved and are growing older and experiencing life away from this cult. This is the true story of a family who have survives human torture, sex and human trafficking, gang rape and mass murder, because of GOD and Jesus's love for us and thier mercy on us, and how we LIVE, and continue to do meraculous wonderous miracles for us. This is the case. this is the TRUTH. This is... just the way it is. All over thw world. There is pain. Too much to bare, and we have changed the world and changed the law and the governments and the counties to save YOUR lives everywhere, of all the people and children, and bought you places of safety and your own justice. With love, Angel Mary Clement who is Kimberley Jo Coles.

GOD HAS SPOKEN Series: Book 5: I Hope If You Ever Hear my Name...Where stories live. Discover now