Difficult and big questions answered. - John 1,2 and 3.

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1. GOD is Loving so why do some people go to Hell? Answered. 

(These are all my writting on JOHN 1 which I do believe is for the son of man who is Archangel Michael as a man - who would believe? You are in the Kingdom of GOD. These are some diffciucult and big questions answered.)

Dear all,

This following all the holy bible... Know that Hell is the place where 666 lurks. There are many choices when one goes to another lifetime, for one never really dies... One can become a ghost, be a trapped soul, enter The Kingdom of GOD, appear in God's court, go to Hell, be reincarnated and choose to live again as an animal or reborn. There is also, God forbid it, being trapped under Rath's cloak, but GOD Always takes people out from there.... All of these things are your own choice. Hell is the choice of those who have sinned to the point of CHOOSING to worship and follow the numbers and not GOD, who break every command of GOD, who are severe evildoers and deny GOD and Jesus when they can see them clearly and hear them clearly... If thier choice is to rebuke Heaven and plead guilty and say they wish to remain with the devil and babylon, and demonic entities, they go to Hell. The punnishements are severe in hell, but one can watch anyone on earth and witness those in Heaven and hear GOD speaking, and see GOD Allah The Almighty all the time. Their Guardian Angels stay with them, and Archangel Azriel will take the to Hell be this their wish, if they repent or see GOD, they may go to GODS court in Heaven, where there is a prison for those pleading guilty but standing trial to go to Heaven, and any who still do not glorify and explain thier actions and change them given the questions of free will's solution - given by Archangel Jeremiel of Justice - or those who honestly (some people are slightly out of thier minds) wish to stay in Hell and continue worshipping the devil, will be here for Armageddon. Thus, actually, not many people go to Hell, but an example of ones who actually CHOSE Hell are: Jack the ripper, the entire alluminati MAFIA cult, those of the kuklux clan, ted bundy and pedophiles... also, some who practice black magic and voodoo and only wish to do harm often worship 666, so these people have told GOD that they are guilty and they are not sorry, they deny Jesus still when Jesus is standing right infront of them and thier choice is hell, or, now all of them have been reborn before Jesus returns with one last chance to lead a different life for the good, problem is that they are all killing each other.......... and attempting to murder the world, for GOD Knew this would happen, and so he has sent people to change thier ways and change the ways of the world lest Jesus have no choice but to return immediately.
These people have the mark of the beast on them, for they are no longer of GOD and this is a choice. GOD is JUSTICE and FORGIVENESS and MERCY, and he gives everybody equal oppertunity to go to Heaven, for this is his Promise.


God Allah The Almighty.

2. Why do good, innocent and faithful people suffer? Answered.

When one makes a covenant with God and Jesus, they take on minimal suffering that Jesus did, in order to walk the footsteps of Jesus and know him and understand him, and GOD DOES end suffering as soon as your greatest prayer is jesus's prayer: "Please take this cup from me... do what you want to do for me in my life." This is when your experiences will start to come to an end and you will see a brighter day. If you are struggling, you have to turn to Jesus Christ. Generally, when one entirely devotes themselves to GOD, one sees pure happiness and has peace, no matter what the circumstance. (That is, unless you suffer from Misophonia and the person beside you wont stop lipsmacking!! argghhh!) For GOD forbids those who are faithful, innocent and good to go through to much or experiencing anything too bad, and they will NEVER have some experiences which are their greatest Prayers not to, for GOD will save them!!! Sometimes it takes a while to see that our Prayers have been answered, and if not, this leads to my next question: Why do our Prayers go unanswered? And another question: Why is this God's will if i am hurting? Can God change his Will? One has to try to see all that GOD is doing for you, even the slightest things and the positive thoughts and feeling and the sun shining, and all thier blessings, as well as the big things and thier Prayers andswered and miricles, and one has to search for answers, signs and works fo God and Jesus in thier lives, and fast if one needs to, to find GOD and GOD will give one happiness and peace of mind, and this means to devote yourself entirely to go in his will and work, and GOD then will choose you as you present yourself to him with your gifts and light to be chosen for a much higher purpose, and when anybody is not of GOD and is suffering not because they love Jesus and wish to take on some of his pain in life, this being why one should be proud of thier faith and trials, but because one is of the evil ones and anybody not of GOD or who denys Jesus is taken by the evil ones and suffers greatly... but GOD will always scatter the seeds again and let them find GOD... one has to see that GOD is GOOD and when one does only Gods will and work, GOD sees what is unsees and lets thier light shine, and they will find that their lives start working out, changing for the better and their suffering ends, and the problems start to vannish. Some people suffer because they are targetted by evil doings forcing them torture and pain by their own free will and in these cases GOD commands that they are saved, and GOD saves their lives and says to turn to HIM and to pray and fast, and focus only on GOD... and GOD and Jesus WILL get you out of there and away from there eventually, and free you and send you help... absolutely.. for nothing bad will ever happen to you and no harm will ever come to you, and you are to have no fear - this is a command from GOD. have no fear, eat of the bread of life, turn to GOD and JESUS and put your life into Gods hands.... for GOD IS, and GOD will serve judtice to your enemies, and command your suffering to end. These are called lifes trials and it is like Jesus and GOD were put to trial, for our sins, they saved us by taking on our sins for us, so that we are not to blame for what we have done wrongly.... but we choose to glorify GOD with them, and as soon as we worship, honour and praise and turn to GOD, we find............. our problems end. They suffering stops... GOD never gives us any more than we can cope with. remember that God is GOOD, God is LOVING, God IS, God's Plan is perfect, GOD is merciful, and will take you to The kingdom of GOD if this is your greatest Prayer, or he will cause miricles to save your life. Either way, trust that in GODS hands nothing bad will happen to you, and if you are worried about death - have no fear, for there is no death, and GOD will tell you or the work he has for you in Heaven or you chose HIS Plan for you on earth, and which ever offer you accept GOD will a. save your life and end your suffering, and God's plan for you on earth will be revealed in full glory and majesty, or b. you go to The Kingdom of God in Heaven and take up on God's offer to you there which is undenyably terrific!!! You may choose to be reborn or to stay with people on earth and follow them around everywhere, for one enevr dies, but those who wish to carry on on earht must know that while thier loved ones often feel watched or know that their energy is here with them, they often cannot see them... but GOD gives you dreams about them with messages from them, and one can get signals, signs and messages from them in other ways. But that's moving onto another suject.
Nobody who is with GOD suffers, really, aside from the annoyance of human free will who are not belonging to GOD.
This is coming from somebody who is held hostage and imprisoned in an alluminati mafia bse, whos family and friends have been human trafficked and claimed dead, whos children are with starngers who can be harmful and wear dead peoples faces, is targetted with human torture, gang rape and mass murder, who is being severely drugged and poinsoned, who has not one single friend, who does not even have food and no water to drink, and whos son is missing, and has no money, no home, no posessions but a Holy Bible, pen, paper and an e-mail account............... not even 3 cents do i have, but everything has been stolen, dare this person reach out for help in any way she is claimed as severely mentally ill, dangerous and abusive and is threatened with a prison sentence!!!!!!! This be the truth,
i have devoted myself to GOD, anad as long as My Guardian Angels continue following Gods command, perfect today and yesterday, I do not suffer, and i am extremely happy, and i am happy doing the will and work of GOD all the time and GOD is saving my life all the time, every second day and not, for i have been given eternal life and i cannot be murdered or harmed, not even poisons can harm me, i live thorugh everything that no human has before, i am due to work for the entire earth in saving the world, i have money albeit i cannot access it yet, which we are building Sanctuaries with to save lives of those others in need, i am about to save my children and have full care of them, and eternally, truly, the plans for my future are exceedigly miraculous!!! This all coming from faith and simply trusting GOD - now it only depends on one other person following his commands and coming to save me, and knowing that GOD will sve them too, for GOD will not let any harm come to anyone who saves the life of His child, for this is Gods command, that he will take this cup from anyone who needs Him to... and let GOD make of you and your life as GOD wishes for you, and once you put your life in Gods hands, the suffering ends, and one can be faced with a stabbing next door and be safe, happy, well, healthy, in no danger, not fearful, not effected, but works with GOD to save the victim and serve justice to the predator, by sending on to heaven and praying for them, and the other to Answer To GOD.
My own prayer was to take on all suffering from Jesus and Michael-Theodore and Zac, so i said give me the worst you've got and will prove that i still have faith, so long as they are safe and happy, and it is so, but now GOD IS, and anyday now... my life is going to change for the GOOD of the lord, and untill then, no worries because i am FINE. :) :) :) :)

3. What if God will isn't out will? can we change it? Answered.

You will find that God's Will IS your will, unless your will is something that is of a malicious nature...!! God DOES answer our Prayers, but sometimes it happens in a way that we are not expecting it and in a time that is in God's time, and GOD's Will is Always much better than our own, for GOD Knows exactly what we need and HE provides for us. Say a man loses his mother but has a baby girl, he may find she IS a reincarnation or that his mother is her Guardian Angel!!! He may find that his mother is still with him, and he may also find that it was his mothers greatest prayer to accept her work in Heaven for GOD, and to live ETERNALLY! Only GOD can take the lives of those who have made a covinant with GOD, and they choose together with GOD exactly when they have decided to complete thier works on earth and pray to move on - in which case, talk to your mother and convince her to stick around, and then have GREAT FAITH because Jesus Christ cures cancer, jesus christ, why he even cures broken bones!! Did you know that there is NO human way to heal a broken bone?? This be the truth, Jesus heals them for u and GOD gave Stephen Hawking eternal life and he lived over 80 years after he was told it was impossible for him to live a year more!!!! If something is correct by you but against the will of GOD and ou know that you are right, ask GOD why and you will find that GOD IS proteting you from something terrible happening otherwise, for GOD will give you ways of this being your will come true in ways that cause you no harm or danger. If you are in love but this person loves another you will find that there are ways GOD will allow you to be with them so long as you accept that they have a True Love and you have yours, and yours may be in Heaven waiting for you, why, they may even be an Angel, your Guardian Angel who is in love with you or an Angel working with your guardian angel - in which case, expect to be proposed to as soon as jesus returns!!! haha! For this is the TRUTH of GOD: All Angels fo GOD fall in love, marry and have children in the kingdom of GOD (and btw did you know that all your children, wives, are that of your true love? there is no rape victim who falls pregnat with the rapists baby, they are thier true loves child!!! true, this is a miricle of GOD and a command, this is Gods will.!) but the saying that "you will be like the angels in heaven and you will not marry" means you will cease to stop following satan or man and serving them all at, but you make a covenant and a marriage with GOD and jesus and devote yourselves to working for them and them alone!" This is a marriage to GOD - A fellowship, meaning one sets themselves to unconditional love, loyalty, trustworthiness and in a relationship with GOD, and when one becomes a husband and wife, to each other, this being your promise to GOD and your marriage vows that you will follow God's command to love one another. A marriage in Gods eyes is that you do not cheat or even look at another as you would not look at anyone other than GOD and Jesus, no other man and no number, and no false idol, so a marriage to man and wife is that one does not have eyes for anyone else - this is in trying to be as much like god and jesus as possible. GOD understands that nobdy can ever be like GOD, but we can try to be like Jesus and Jesus makes this possible, but GOD is... GOD... and god needs you to understand that GOD is mysterious and that GOD is GOOD and only pure ultimate unconditional eternal love, and if you do not understand something, perhpas it is beyond your understanding --------- see e-mail: talking to god, will find god wants you to get to know him---- and perhpas if something is not gods will, you will find that Gods will for you is much more for you and even better than what you are asking for.
Angel mary Clement and GOD and Jesus.

I thought we would have a book on all the big and difficult questions... Answered.. but first I need a list from you all reading as to exactly what those questions are. next, John 1. 

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