Dear all reading,
there is now a new law coming in whereby doctors and hospitals, psychiatrirsts, drugs treatement centers and other specialists can prescribe a certain amount of a drug as well as methadone in order to slowly take a teenager, adult, any person down from the drug safely and successfully, until they are capable to go without. there are medicines which can be taken if one cannot take methadone and medicines to help one come down from methadone slowly such as methylamphetamine and codeine mixed would work well as prescribed. (amphetamine and codeine work really well together, in fact, and codeine and methylamphetamine can be mixed to take INSTEAD of drugs and to come off of drugs and medicines which are addictive or dangerious.) Methadone nor amphetamine nor codeine are dangerous. they can be addictive, but i will put a chapter on addictions as they are psychological and are a way of coping, in mind as well as in body as one has certain physical problems and troubles that occur if one does not take the drug or medicine. The other solutions as to methadone are : Clondine, Naltreone, Bupronephine, Methacarbonol and Suboxone, Sunsei, and there are more upon research, but your doctor will have a good idea.
if you have a teenager who takes drugs, immediately take them to a hospital and request this drugs-medication process and treatement and have them on these solution medicines while detoxing them from the drugs. remove the drugs from the hom eunless given any special permision by the police,the hospital or specialised doctor to have a certain amount with you or in your home. The usual way of doing this is that you are given a prescription for the drug dosages and methadone (other solution....depending on what the person/teenager can or can't take---) but the police should be able to give you a certificate for having a certain amount within your care and possession in order to not come into emergancy cases where somebody needs more or runs out of their prescription and cannot get to a medical proffessional on time, or they are inbetween changing doses and may have the occurance when they need to take more, or they have been a very hardcore addict - this too is a prescription, but it means that IF the police do come to the home and find drugs there, you are able to show them the certificate and they will know that you are under cervailance and have permission, for medical reasons, to have such substances, but IF your teenager has far too much of a drug in their posession, take the majority of it to a hospital, chemist or drugs center and you can hand it in in recept of money. This should also be the law, and this will be the law coming in, I Promise.
(The authorities and governments are already well aware of this law and medical proceedure so ask for it and don't take no for an answer. IF you CANNOT get the legal and medical permission for such a solution, have your doctor write a certificate signed for you to have the need for this proceedure and get on the waiting list! How? You have to apply for this medical proceedure on the SOS sanctuary website --- adult FORMS --- and be given permission to be under the SOS sanctuary laws.) IF all else fails, tell the courts about this problem and go with your children to an SOS Sancruary residence home where they can recieve help.
You WILL need to get proffessional help for them from a drugs specialist, doctor and psychiatrist anyway. You WILL need to go through a detox stage (which can take minimum a few-four hours, maximum overnight to a few days.) because if there is FAR TOO much of the drug in thier system, they could be at risk of overdosing, but they will still need a certain amount of the drug as not to go into toxic shock from everything to nothing, which can kill and causes deaths a lot more than overdosing does. (our bodies get used to taking too much and build up a tollerance.)
However, do not be fooled inoto thinking that with a tollerance you will be safe on a drug as your body, eventually, one day, will develop a sudden allergix reacion and response in reaction to the high levels in the body which have built up over time and the body can no longer take it, and the second reason for drug caused deaths are this very sudden allergic reaction.
Warn your teenager about this or any person using drugs.
never become angry with a child or anybody for using drugs. if they become violent, call the police and have them removed from yourself and your home until they are sobor and then go to get them help and find a solution by which they can take something else (a medicine, forinstance) both to come down from the drug OR on which they do not have the side effects and withdrawl symptoms or reactions to become violent and aggressive, because you will find that much like alcahol, different substances have differnet effects on one's behavior and at all costs: take them off of the one that causes anger, rage and fury ASAP, and they will defiantely know and understand why!!!
again, never, never, never be angry because children ARE vulnerable and DO just want and need to be loved and hugged and they use it to cope and because they are copying other adults or they are under influence of the social media or thier peers at school or because they got into the wrong crowd and feel under pressure to do so, to fit in, or because they are really down and depressed and are hurting inside, deep down they feel so much pain and suffering and they really need somebody who understands them and listens to them and who they can talk to, who wont judge them or punnish them, because something the drink is all we can turn to.
... like me... the drink and the smokes are all I can turn to. I wink at you. So there, do not panic, we have solutions for this. It's alright, it's alright, it's alright. Continue to show the most ultimate and unconditional love to your children all thier lives, not only as newborn babies and todlers, but all their lives and Always remeber to say, "I LOVE YOU!" and "I CARE!"
With love from GOD, jesus and Angel. (The founder of this medical proceedure, law and solution. Handed in and sent to authorities.)
MethocarbamolAngel Mary Aryia Clement4:28 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Angel, Aryia, Caitlin, me, Sacred
ps. You MUST do an allergy test before deciding which medicine to take with the drugs as IF you ARE allergic to amphetamine, methadone or something of the like they can be lethal. These medicines are KNOWN to be the SAFEST in this world, on this planet, but cardiac arrest is known in 9% of userers who either HAVE or BUILD UP an allergic reaction. Warning. Thank you for listening. "and i pray to whoever is listening things will be alright."
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