The revelations - 16/6/24 - 1:40pm.

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I accept my Guardian Angel back with all my heart, body, soul, spirit, strength and mind. I love him and am in love with him. He is as perfect to me as one of God's creations could ever be, so unconditionally loving and kind and lovely. I will marry him.

I have just been outside and the SOS had cameras set up and the world could see me for the first time. My Guardian Angel told me that everybody cheered. I am waiting for a judgement bought by the post man (random postman conversations) signed by every court on this planet for my freedom. I hope he will also bring PUPPIES!!!!! he will be bringing medicine, bills, bills, more bills, (haha) and hand cream and a dress or three. Welcome to the postman! I have been promised medicine in my meal. Apparently a government worker is going to put it in for me. - Going to the SUDEXO database..... and I have been promised being set free from the cultists main mass murder assasination base.

I've asked these cultists Guardian Angels if they know anything about what is happening, (I think ALL of my books are published and that there are MANY books on this subject and event.) and they said, "Of this be certain: GOD has hidden it all from them. They know nothing of it."

I offer myself to work for the Governments, the Intelligences, the police, "Thomas is SAVED." - Ben? "BEN IS SAVED!!!!" my mum? MY MUM IS SAVED AND READING!!!!! my dad? MY DAD IS SAVED AND READING!!! ... Is David out of prison? LOLS!! Poor chap. "He's out of prison - He's saved and reading!!" perfect. Charlotte. Rith. james, Josh, Tom, my Aunts and Uncles and nanny and grandpa and poppa and granny, bomi, alan, katherine, grandad, oma, and where was I? I offer myself to work for all of you including the police and the army. "would you accept a job in modelling?" Hrm!!! Oh go on then, let's have a laugh.

"Accepted!!!!!! FOR ALL!!!"
"The courts."
"Which job?"
"A judge."
"is that what you want?"
"look mate, yayce."
Thank you. I am listening to hymns - In Christ Alone - - my Guardian Angel stands tall and proud of me and tells me that he is taking on every line of work for me and that they are his jobs. I agree fully and wholeheartedly. I've bought him a suit online and.... "Are you STILL planning on marrying your Guardian Angel?"
".... YES I AM!!!!"
"Trust me. "

Amen. God's Little Angel. God and Jesus and Michael THEOSIRE Joseph Clement. 

"Would you accept acting in your own film?"
"I cannot act to save my life and I'm extraordinarily camera shy."
"We'll teach you how to act."
"That's a dare. That's brave. Um. How about jinny from harry Potter or one of the girls from my Sister's Keeper?"
"We've chosen Anne Hathaway."
"Absolutely forbidden. Never."
"Tell us why not."
"Never. I refuse."
"All my ex's masterbated to her."
"That is un--- wait. We will choose somebody else."
"Thank you for understanding. They all watched 666 with her in it."
"We'll choose somebody else."
"Merci vielmols vanschlift." 
"GOD REBUKE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Absolutely. The wrath of GOD be upon them all."
"i think Jinny is beautiful and a genius and just the right age, and I love the younger sister from my Sister's Keeper - she is stunning and highly intelligent and one of the best acctresses of our time."
"That's a promise."
"Thank you." 


Dear my lords GOD Allah and Jesus Christ, 

We've just had the lethal lunch, well, I say JUST - an hour ago, and I instantly passed out like a tranquilised horse. I've just woken up and have changed into a dress/long t-shirt and smoked, and now I ask my Guardin Angel to obey GOD. He says especially for me, he is driving in a car to save my life and will arrive very, very, very soon. I tell him my login details but he cannot get them. he says he will call everyone to find out. His name is Theosire Michael Joseph Clement and he is my lawyer. I believe he started off in Russia and has come the entire way from there by car and my Guardian Angel says he is a man for me. he is here too - he is with me always, and as we speak, I am in the car with him as I can see him through GODS gifts and I can see where he is and I can out myself there. He has a car with white seats and a white steering wheel, and it's a black car - a Marcedez benz. My dad say "Ohhhhwwww!" I KNOW what he thinks of Marcedez drivers, but they're my favorite car! Fast and furious but not AS aggressive in driving as BMW drivers. They can be lethal, and I love Range Roves, Vintacge cars and Jaguars. When we were children a Jaguar was my brother Ben's favorite car. My dad loves vans and lorrys. He used to drive them for work as well as being a chinmey sweep. My dad Alan james Coles - you might know of him - was based in LONDON, BARNET and was called A.J.Coles Chimneys. My mum worked in a secret line of work for the european coiurts before owning a bed and breakfast in Luxembourg. When we were children she wouldn't tell us what she worked as but when we got older she said it was translating and correcting government, court and bank documents and passing them out without fault. My dad is really working class and he's a really manly man with the funniest and most epic LAUGH you could imagine. my dad is my superhero. I remember when I was a teenager I walked around my room saying PROUDLY at the top of my voice, "I AM THE DAUGHTER OF LINDSEY MASON AND ALAN COLES!!!!!!! I AM THE DAUGHTER OF LINDSEY MASON AND ALAN COLES!!!!" and I was so happy and proud to be in the family that I am and have. my brother Ben and I used to get on eextraordinarily well as children and then we had an argument when I was 6 years old and he bullied me a bit.... but then when we got older we got on really well again, and my sister and I always either got on really well or not at all, and my brother David, well... he's such a charcter it was touch and go or epic or flawed, but never inbetween with any of them. In the end we all loved each other. my nanny always told us that when we were adults we would get on really, really well and be best friends. my nanny was thr loveliest of people of the lovliest and my grandparents the most faithful of the FAITHFUl and intelligent, and i think that we can all agree our cousins James, Josh and Tom were the aboslute BEST ON THIS PLANET. They had other cousins..... I never met them. I think one's anme was Alice, and I only hope and Pray that they are safe and sound. I hope they only ever heard good things about us all. I hope if they ever hear my name... that it doesn't bring them pain.
Going to smokes.
Here. Everybody wanted to know why I don't mentionmy children as much as I perhaps should, and that is honestly because that is a pain that goes too deep, very deep to ever mention or rarely, it is a pain that is locked up inside me with a lock and key and a part of my hear that is missing.

When you last left me my blood was in a jar
And you kept it on your mantelpiece
I couldn't count on anyone to stand there behind me
And keep the dogs from dragging me off with them
While I slept you crept in and pulled the rug right out from under me
Then the rain stole away and took the parts that kept me functioningMy heart will be blacker than your eyes when I'm through with youAnd I said, this life ain't no love song while I marched on blindly
And my knuckles dragged across the walls
And the birds up there mock me and the scenery's turned wicked
And your name is trapped beneath my tongueAll of the roads are one now, each choice is the same
All the roads, they are one now, each choice is the same
I won't show my hands now, I know this ain't a game
All the roads, they are one now, each choice is...Take a step, take another step, take another step, not a care for where they fall
You burned me, yeah you've burned me, yeah you've burned me now one too many times
My thoughts are the cold kind, I've got storm clouds that are brewing behind my eyesAnd my heart will be blacker than your eyes when I'm through with you

And also this one... Ghost Towns:

I've got no need for open roads
'Cause all I own fits on my back
I see the world from rusted trains
And always know I won't be back'Cause all my life is wrapped up in today
No past or future here
If I find my name's no good
I just fall out of lineBut I miss you
But there's comin' home
There's no comin' home
With a name like mine
I still think of you
But everyone knows
Yeah everyone knows
If you care, let it goI've seen more places than I can name
And over time they all start to look the same
But it ain't that truth we chase
No, it's the promise of a better placeBut all this time, I been chasin' down a lie
And I know it for what it is
But it beats the alternatives
So I'll take the lieI still miss you
There's no goin' home
There's no goin' home
With a name like mine
I still dream of you
But everyone knows
Yeah everyone knows
If you can, let it go

Only I would change the lyrics to: YEAH EVERYONE KNOWS YOU CAN'T LET THEM GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My life and myself are very much like the song SECRETS by radical face which I do believe is the very first song I posted online??? I'd have to check the first book, or it could have been Missing Roads, no way no doubt but to say it had to be RADICAL FACE because I am actually OBSESSED.

Here's my eating toilet paper and wondering when I am going to get a prescription to carry on with my books... I reckon I will put hand creamon and try one soon... no... not possible... not capable... took the parts that can't br functioning...took the parts that can't be functioning... and thier eyes will be blacker than the storms brewing behind thier eyes.


For GOD and JESUS my lords: Please make my medicine work or I am going back to sleep. Thank you so much. I love you. I worship you. I praise you.

GOD HAS SPOKEN Series: Book 5: I Hope If You Ever Hear my Name...Where stories live. Discover now