Back In Theosire's car... To my love my lawyer Theosire xxxx

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Dear Theosire Michael Joseph Clement,

I have found you in your car again and am here. You have vanilla trees and liquid gold and art videos on for me. Thank you so much! I appreciate it. I' sorry i've been gone for so long but you keep telling me "I'm here" so i said, "I'm confused." and so you said, "It's alright" about being in the car and then i passed out and started sleeping again so burst into tears as sleeping is all I ever do and then that made me be sick all over the floor and the people came into my room claiming, "You eat too much!!!!" Not that that's related. You have given me medicine so I am writting to you, as asked. You said that you ar reading everything on Whattpad and Neobook! I hope you like it! I wish i could write my book again but i need medicine - i need medicine simply to stay awake, let alone to read and write. You are here but you are in the car at the same time because you are my guardian Angel and a Vivid Angel. Now.

The other day I was in my room when I heard "Julian" yelling, "YEEEEES!!! SHE'S DEAD!!!!!!" and I went to take the lethal tablets from him and ate the lethal meal and Prayed over both with you, God and Jesus and lived and "Julien" got really pissed asking, "WHYYYYY DID SHE SURVIVE?!?!?!?!!! WHHHHYY DID SHE SURVIVE?!!!!"
God answered him, "GOD IS." and he repeated, "GOD IS." The SOS had been asking me if i had heard him and i hadn't replied but i had and now the SOS were asking him to repeat what he just said - that GOD IS - but he didn't repeat it, he just looked dumbfounded and stressed.
"Tommy" keeps coming in saying, "Kill her at 4pm."
"Yes, "Tommy", you do, we do, did you want some chocolate?"
.......,........., ........ , ......., .... and that's true.

The SOS played a strange sound in my room last night and asked me if i could hear it but i was already drifting off to sleep and couldn't move, so i didn't reply, but i heard it and they said, "That means you're pregnant - if you can hear it." Oh, I am. I can.

They're playing a strange sound right now.... "Right! Pregnant!" they sound exited, almost as exited as I am to be.

I'm reading SOLITAIR by Alice Oseman and The Holy Bible - currently EZIKUEL and i'm about to read DANIEL. I've already read over half of The Holy Bible again for the 12th time in a row which makes me really proud, but i still feel like I haven't read it as many times as some people... like yourself.

Every night mass murder happens... every time I go out mass murder happens... and the other day I was sitting on the benches outside and I could hear "Tommy" screaming and shouting as he killed people inside from outdoors.

The people went out in the evening... and before they got back i could hear SO MUCH SCREAMING and different people came in and i knew that the ones who had murdered those specific people had taken their specific masks and were acting as them specifically: who the killed wearing that mask. I see this all the time.

I'm really sorry but your ring has broken.... i'll ask for some money thisafternoon for a new ring but i don't believe they will give me any... I lost 2 euros under the drinks machine that I cannot get back and now i have only a few euros to my name again and that's not enough to buy a ring...

The SOS police say they will be here in a matter of hours. Thier Guardian Angels say, "They are your best friends." I said, 2Theosire Michael is my best friend, but so are they, yes." and thier Guardian Angels smiled and winked at me. I think they aren't sending the court order for my freedom because they are scared of an attack on me but i said, "Safe with GOD: have Faith and Trust in GOD and send: I'll be fine. GOD will look after me. GOD COMMANDS you send - this is God's will." but they still haven't done it and i don't understand why not...

Going to smoke and going outside in half an hour. You come with me outside - stay with me like I stay with you.

Love your Angel.

GOD and Jesus.


GOD HAS SPOKEN Series: Book 5: I Hope If You Ever Hear my Name...Where stories live. Discover now