John 2 - the letters to the lady. I am listening, trusting and believing.

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However, John 2 I am told by God and Jesus is written for me. I am not doubting my Lords, I am not questioing thier word on this, I accept. I am told that I am loved by the ones who are within the Truths of GOD, which are Truths of the greatest most untimate unconditionally purest and complete LOVE that GOD IS. These are the reasons for God's Truths - to save lives of everyone through love. I am told that I abide by God's commands and do the will and ork of God, and that these commands have abided in me forever. I must abide Always and only by the teachings of God and Jesus, I must not try to go ahead from them but learn as they teach me and work and write it down as they speak, i must never change my mind or doubt anything i've been taught since the beginning of time.

I am told that John has found his greatest joy: Knowing, seeing, hearing that my children are Faithful children and love and worship God and Jesus.

I am told not to welcome into my heart any who partake in the sinning of the evil ones..... or join in or even be influenced by all of their wicked ways... but although i do not know them: I am to obey God's commands and show love for them all.

I have changed my Greatest Prayer from penalising those who disobey GOD to them living and experiencing as I do... so that I can teach them. For those who continue to do wrong and harm me because they have been decieved by the antichrist: I do not know them until the hour of Jesus return. (as in: One hour before.) I am told that they are decieved because they do not recognise jesus in the flesh and are STILL searching for him to return from heaven in the skies...

This written by a man who was witness to Jesus in the flesh right next to him.. I DO recorgnise, see and speak to Jesus here and now beside me, i do not deny him or ignore him, and i know he has returned from heaven for me to save me. I must watch myself carefully, the one who is one with me i am watching too... my Theodore... that we do not stray from what we have worked on or lose our work that we have achieved so far: This applies to all i have been commanded by GOD to reveal to the world to save my children, family and many lives... I must ensure it is all saved, got, this is to do with, let me just continue... all work for my Lords i keep and remember and never change or lose my FAITH, TRUST or belief or knowledge or wisdom that GOD IS and JESUS is, and GOD and Jesus will reward me in full...

. I just saying to my lords and john, but all i'm asking is a full medical room and alcahol cabinet and library hahahaha... GOD, jesus and john laugh out load and John says to me,

"Modest one. Have you no other greatest prayer that GOD and jesus could reward you in doing?"
"Yes. That i can take it all and feel happy tipsy like."

(I'm just joking here, mindless banter, for i do not feel myself deserving of anything great. I do not consider myself important or special. I' like a drink, but i ask no more from my lords... if they want to give me other blessings, they may, but i expect nothing from them in return for my work for my lords. I am God's servant. I am happy doing this for nothing in return, so i joke at having the minute delicacies in life... such as medicine working, i mean, this is actually my greatest prayer for a tablet to work, i am NOT asking anything like to own the sun and another planet and be a frickin queen over england and wales... i really am that modest hahah, honestly, i never thought of a better prayer... the sos asked me what i want to do with my money and i told them sanctuaries, for myself drinks and books. ... isn't that a simple thing to ask? I am a servant... I am not a politician.!! Tipsy is to feel happiness. so i jokes, but i'm completely serious. I feel rearded by a simple smokes, not with a mantion and several slaves.) ---
"Modest one. GOD is giving you through Jesus Christ eternal life and ruling over nations."
"Thank you for the eternal life, God and jesus, this i knew... nations sounds like a lot of work!!"
"modest one. you will know exactly what to do, of this have no doubt, i am certain of it and i will help you: Your sisters, last of all."
"Are all of gods children who have turned to God in faith, who follow in Jesus footsteps, they are MOTHERS whos children are in need of my help."
"This is the truth of GOD."


GOD HAS SPOKEN Series: Book 5: I Hope If You Ever Hear my Name...Where stories live. Discover now