Again I pray for death. This is my life, Jesus.

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My Guardian Angel fucks up again and I pass out and collapse on the smoking room floor whihc is highly dangerous, so I MYESELF TAKE AS GOD HAS COMMANDED and get back to my laptop commanding and ordering my guardian Angel to rely on ME. I have never once failed GOD or fallen, I KNOW My Lord GOD and HIS COMMANDMENTS like the palm of my hand!!! I KNOW God and Jesus's Promise and our plan of action and when my Guardian Angel said, "After meal nap..." I told him i'd RIP HIS TESTICLES OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And he said, "Angel.."
"I WILL!!!! Don't you dare give me another sodding damn thing!"
Now I am TRYING to wake up and continue the will and work for GOD and Jesus. I'm about to pass out. Let me just put hand cream on and see if that helps... Not so far so i do not have long beflolre I sleep unless GOD actually listens to me that THIS RELIES ON ME FROM NOW ON!!! FOR 10 years the angels have been FORCING ME TO SLEEP DAY AND NIGHT FOR 22 HOURS LONG AT A TIME!!!!! I'm LUCKY if i'm awake for two-three hours per day. This is all because they were decieved by the deciever of the entire earth who led the entire earth and all god's servants, prophets and saints astray into sinning against GOD.
I am the only one who does not. I beg GOD to listen to me becuase I only become fuious when HIS COMMANDMENTS are failed or when I LOSE MY TWINS and thier lives are taken to Heaven. This happens a lot and i SCREAM. This happens because my guardian Angel falls for Babylon whos name is Jezabel, which also happens a lot, but hey, isn't IT sexy or something?
NO. I'm angry because I cannot stay awake and I want to write a story for children about a giant holy Angel called COSMOS which will begin, "One day in the beginning of time...." but I have no ideas past then because I annot THINK to get ideas. I just speak to GOD, jesus or my guardian Angel. I no longer have the capability to talk to other Angels or beings and I hate to speak to the people here.... they are so cruel and unkind to me... they are terribly abusive and malicious and they really upset and provoke me all the time.... however, I did just speak to raffael who said to take the medicine that he gave me and he will choose a hand cream to make it work.

All Pray it works and no, nobody is going to arrive today and no, no court order nor prescription will be snt as every single day life continues in this Hell on earth.


God's little Angel.


I fall asleep..... for about 25 minutes, and wake up and go to smokes. Jesus speaks to me and says to take myself and I said, "I've tied. I give up. It never works. I've tried all my life."
"You have lived a life outside of this, God's little Angel."
"This IS my life, Jesus. I've been here for so long.... This is my life, in the "CHNP" This is all I know and feel like I have ever known. Outside of this I have suffered my whole life. i have only known suffering - this IS my life."
Jesus stars to cry and tells me, "You will know a life outside of this."
"No, I wont. I'll die in here. I know it. GOD will HAVE to take my life one day. I'll still be here when I'm 80 years old writting the 1,000th book and wont be set free."
Jesus burst into tears and commands LIFE. Jesus makes it work. He tries to..................... he starts to cry because GOD STILL wont listen to me as I take again and feel like passing out.
I'm listening to Nine Inch Nails.... I only wanted to do what was GOOD and HOLY in the world, but nobody cares about me. Nobody loves me.
i will die one day in here - I know it. HOPEFULLY Tonight, and again I pray for death.

GOD HAS SPOKEN Series: Book 5: I Hope If You Ever Hear my Name...Where stories live. Discover now