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Dear Our Father Who Art In Heaven As On Earth, Holy be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done On Earth As On Earth, Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread And forgive Us Our Tresspasses As We Forgive Those Who Tresspass Against Us And Lead Us Not Into Temptation But Deliver Us From Evil For Thine Is The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory Forever and Ever. Amen. 

I've just been dancing to this song on the spot with his epic hand roll and bounce... I remember dancing to this awesome dance and song for hours on end when I was a teenager with my sister Charlotte and laughing for hours on end. Ah! I've gone and forgotten to get the toilet paper to eat again... I must remember to grab the roll next time I go to my bedroom or the bathroom to EAT IT because I LIKE IT. The Intelligences and specialised doctor don't like me eating the toilet paper as it has bleech in it, but I will and I do, and I happen to know that it is full of IRON and I am Always low on IRON during my pregnancies. 
Now. Getting to the serious stuff. Haha! I actually told you about that first! How amusing. i do so amuse myself. GOD laughs and nods at me to continue. Well, last night I woke up to a black figure of a dead man by the side of my bed and I got up to smoke and I PRAYED before I got up asking GOD not to let me see the dead body.. and to be my eyes... GOD Answered my Prayers and I could not see him when I sat up. I remember thinking, "I should be screaming. My mind knows that it should be screaming over what it just saw beside my bed." GOD said, "GOD knows, but GOD knows Angel's mind and how it works and that it is not the same to other people's minds, for GOD created Angel's mind." I thanked GOD and after I went to smoke, I went to sleep in the chair in the hallway but "Nella" came and said I had to go back to sleep in my room and offered to go with me as I said, "I can hear voices in my room." (I didn't mention... saying they would bloody sacrafice my to thier demon gogs. Pricks.) But that was the case.... and when we got back to the room... the dead body... was just gone or, well, "Nella" couldn't see it anyway. The mafia stopped talking while she was there. I guess thier sacrafice was secret or private news.... and I fell asleep. I woke up a second time during the night to the Intelligences begging me not to wake up on loadspeaker and that woke me up surely, so I went to smoke again.... I woke up a third time to "Bertrand" in my room asking me if I was the one screaming? I murmered "no....not me..." in my sleep talk and i think he left after shooting me, and I woke up in the morning as GOD had commanded I did. 
I'm lucky to be awake at this hour. Usually I am fast asleep right now but my Guardian Angel has given me medicine - Archangel michael who I call Theosire, and God's will be done, GOD bless you my love. Thank you. It's working well for now because we have PRAYED with Our Lord Jesus Christ and so for the first time in a long time I'm awake right now. 
I was just in the smoking room when a messenger from GOD in the form of a hornet came in and called out to me, "THE COURT ORDER IS HERE!!! THE COURT ORDER IS HERE!!!" and he flew back out of the room.
Archangel Sandlephon asked me, "Do you know what hornets mean? They are bringers of graet news!"
"What great news were the ones bringing me who stung me at my grandads house?"
Sandlephon looked down and smiled a bit and said, "they were there to protect you, mush like spiders are always there to protect you in all your worst and most fearful memories... which has sadly left you terrificied of them and traumatised instead of making you fall in love with them."
and i smile a graet big smile and laugh at the irony!!! Sandlephon laughs.
We've just had the "therapy" (gang group attack, rape and mass murder plan.) and I LIVE after drinking about 7 coffees before Archangel gabriel finnished the lot of the rest and told me he'd drank all of mine for me - the people had spiked it I think, but it was cyonide anyway and worse... but I LOVE IT - I call it caramel coffee and of course I have to Pray every time I drink it but I would Pray anyway because I Always do. The pasta was cold and the cheese gone off.... and i don't like salad to had none. Just the coffee then...? just the coffee then. That's when I saw the hornet. 
they are having the rapport at the moment and I don't know that they have seen anything that has been sent them. "stephanie" came back into the office saying somebody in another room didn't want to take rilatine.... and i'm looking at the medicine knowing its exactly what I need and should be taking... i asked the SOS if a prescription had been sent and they said, "YOU BET!!!" 
"have they not read it yet?"
"That's the case."
and now I can hear them saying, "SENDING THE POLICE!!!!!"
"What just happened?" i ask now. 
"they are not coming to tell you."
Hrrrm... "When will the police be here? can you please send an ambulance with the prescription first so that I can be ready to talk to the police when they get here and do not fall asleep in the meantime?"
"are you likely to?"
"Do you not know me at all?"
"Absolutely. Sending."
"God bless you."
I'm told that I am a world leader..... I'm asked what I want to tel the world and I am too speachless to think or talk so for now I will just say GOD BLESS YOU ALL, GOD BLESS YOU ALL, GOD BLESS YOU ALL and HOLINESS BE TO GOD THE LORD ALMIGHTY. I couldn't have done anything without HIM. Thank you Jesus for saving my life. Thank you world for accepting me and showing me kindness.... not many have in my life. Thank you. God bless you. Speak soon. xxxx Lots of love and hugs. 

Angel of GOD. x Jesus Christ and Michael THEOSIRE, All Holy Angels of GOD especially the Archangels and FIRIESIRE the Sacred Angel of War and Peace. 

GOD HAS SPOKEN Series: Book 5: I Hope If You Ever Hear my Name...Where stories live. Discover now