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Listen to storms. GOD The Lord Almighty ALWAYS speaks through them. Here is what GOD SPOKE:

GOD SPEAKS that labour will start at 2pm and the SOS will be here at 4pm. I have one hour to collect everything before you get here - says the storm. There is a massive storm outside! it was so sunny thismorning and we got back and 10 minutes later a huge storm approaches. There was a dead body opposite me which they have just moved since I went to smoke - the world witnessed this. "Because that's the truth." say the CIA. GOD SPEAKS to tell the SOS that they are to come today and they will not disobey GOD. GOD SPEAKS that there will be medicine in my meal. GOD SPEAKS to save my family - that we are all, and my children and myself, taregtted for human torture, gang rape, terrorism, assassination, and mass murder, and sex trafficking and human trafficking and worse. Things only GOD knows about. (and this cult, I presume.) GOD SPEAKS to tell the world. GOD SPEAKS that (Michael) Theosire must Destroy the whore. GOD commands Theosire to tell GOD what his commandments are. Life. Correct. Thy will be done, GOD. GOD says, "Tell the world." So I have.

In awhile awaiting God, Jesus and mine and my Guardian Angels and all Angels plan of action.... I've just asked the person "on duty" in here is they happen to have any speed in this place? They shook thier heads and nodded and shook thier heads and nodded and then shook thier heads and nodded and then shrugged and i'm thinking: Yes, wait no, yes, wait no, what is it yes or no, yes we do but no i shouldn't tell you that, yes we do but no you are never meant to know?!?! I don't know... secrets. WONT I GET INTO TROUBLE WITH THE LAW????
(These people are alread in enough trouble with the law, to be honest...)

The people in here will be gone one hour from (I think... I could be wrong... GOD might have another plan.) when I have my first contraction. I'll have an hour after 3pm to get everything I need from the "CHNP" before the sos arrive. i am hoping to find my court jdugement, medicine, speed, cocaine, tequila - GOD FACE PAMLS LOL!!!!! - ummm cigarettes, money and I am also Praying to find a baby girl who I can adopt somehwere here in the "CHNP." If there ever was a baby bought onto floor 5 i think Armageddon would start... has Armageddon started? Jesus has not yet returned but perhaps GOD speaks to the churches first, I don't know. During the storm I thought we better get all the animals from the zoo - the rain was pelting down so furiously that I thought we'd need an arc if it didn't stop! 
Last night I came up with a new True Fairy Tales rymn for Daisy The Cow and here it is: 

I know a cow called Daisy
Daisy is the best!
She layes about the field
and doesn't play the rest...

I know a cow called Daisy
She sings
She dances
She prances
She frolics
But Daisy the cow never jumps on another cow's bollocks

I know a cow called Daisy
She doesn't like anal sex
She's my favorite cow
Yeah, Daisy is the best!

Which I thought was veeeery funny and I fell asleep laughing. last night was terrifying, though. I think they put a dead face right up to mine - just the mask - and I almost SCREAMED and then I hid underneath the blankets. That keps happening last night then I would look infront of me and know there was somebody i couldn't see (GOD makes a lot of people invisble to me in here and that's the truth) but they were holding dead faces up to me and I could have screamed a lot last night. Also, i think the monster get into the same bed as me. I felt a body behind me and knew.... it was the monster... I cannot see the monster anymore. GOD has made it inviable to me too. That' the TRUTH OF GOD because GOD IS POWERFUL!!!!
We've just had the mealtime and I was yelling at my Guardian Angel to obey GOD because i felt so tranquilised and finally he did, and he obeyed all of God's commandments, and now it's alright, it's alright, it's alright. I've asked my guardian Angel to marry me... He says "I DO." The people in here clearly thought i was insane.... but he just...needed a word. he says it was the meal sedating me. Well.... yet again no medicine in the meal but God's Holy Angels are giving me medicine to stay awake and work, but I still cannot work on my books at all. 

Hand wipes, Hand cream and Smokes.

Thank you all for listening and understanding. 


God's Angel. 

GOD HAS SPOKEN Series: Book 5: I Hope If You Ever Hear my Name...Where stories live. Discover now