24.Justice will prevail

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The second day of the hearing dawned with a sense of gravity that was palpable. Aarohi woke early, the light just beginning to filter through the curtains. She sat up, her mind racing with the events of the previous day and the long journey that had brought her to this point. Two years had passed since the night that had shattered her world, and it had taken every ounce of her courage to file the case against Vikrant. Today, she felt that courage welling up within her once more.

Akshara, already awake, was sitting at the small table by the window, reviewing notes on her laptop. She looked up as Aarohi stirred. “Good Morning, Aaru,” she said gently. “How are you feeling?”

Aarohi took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Nervous, but ready,” she replied. “We’ve come so far. Abhi piche nahi hat sakte.”

Akshara nodded, her expression one of fierce determination. “We won’t. We’ll see this through.”

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation. It was Neil, his presence as steadying as ever. He entered the room, a reassuring smile on his face as he handed Aarohi a cup of coffee. “Good Morning, Chipkali. Good morning bhabhi. Ready for another day?”

Aarohi accepted the coffee gratefully. “As ready as I can be. Thanks, Chamgadar.”

The drive to the courthouse was heavy with the weight of anticipation. The city outside seemed almost unaware of the battle that was taking place within Aarohi’s heart. As they approached the courthouse, the media presence was even larger than the previous day. Cameras flashed, and reporters called out questions, their voices blending into a chaotic symphony of noise.

Inside the courthouse, the atmosphere was thick with tension. Vikrant and his legal team were already seated, their expressions unreadable. Aarohi took her place beside Akshara and Neil, feeling their support like a fortress around her. Their lawyer, Mr. Desai, joined them, his expression calm and focused.

“Today is crucial,” Mr. Desai said quietly. “The defense will present their case, and we need to be prepared for anything. Stay strong, Aarohi. You’ve done incredibly well so far.”

The proceedings began with the defense calling their witnesses. Vikrant’s lawyer, Mr. Sharma, was a sharp, calculating man who seemed determined to portray Vikrant in the best possible light. The first witness was a colleague of Vikrant’s who testified about his professional demeanor and upstanding character. Aarohi listened, her anger simmering beneath the surface.

As the witness continued to speak, Aarohi glanced at Neil, who gave her a reassuring nod. “Don’t let it get to you,” he whispered. “They’re just trying to distract from the truth.”

Next, the defense called a mutual friend of Vikrant and Aarohi, attempting to cast doubt on her character. The friend hesitated before testifying, clearly uncomfortable with their role.

“Ms. Arora,” Mr. Sharma began, addressing the friend, “you’ve known Vikrant and Aarohi for quite some time. Would you say Aarohi’s behavior has ever been... questionable?”

The friend shifted uncomfortably. “I wouldn’t say questionable, no. Aarohi has always been strong-willed and independent.”

Mr. Sharma pressed on. “Has she ever, in your opinion, made false accusations or exaggerated situations for attention?”

Aarohi’s heart pounded as she waited for the response. The friend paused, then shook their head. “No, not to my knowledge.”

A small wave of relief washed over Aarohi. The defense’s attempt to discredit her was faltering, but she knew they weren’t done yet.

Finally, Vikrant himself took the stand. His demeanor was calm, almost rehearsed, as he began to recount his version of events. He portrayed the night in question as a misunderstanding, an encounter that had been consensual. Aarohi’s blood boiled at his words, the blatant lies cutting through her.

“Mr. Sharma,” Vikrant said smoothly, “I have always respected Aarohi. I would never force myself on anyone. This accusation has been devastating for me and my family.”

As Mr. Sharma guided Vikrant through his testimony, Aarohi clenched her fists, struggling to contain her anger. Akshara placed a comforting hand on her arm, grounding her.

When it was finally time for Mr. Desai to cross-examine Vikrant, the atmosphere in the courtroom shifted. Mr. Desai approached with a calm, measured demeanor, his eyes sharp and focused.

“Mr. Vikrant,” he began, “you claim that the encounter with Aarohi was consensual. Can you explain why, then, Aarohi filed a police report nearly two years after the incident?”

Vikrant hesitated for a fraction of a second before replying, “She was confused, perhaps. Maybe she misunderstood my intentions.”

Mr. Desai didn’t miss a beat. “Confused? Aarohi’s testimony was very clear. She described being overpowered and assaulted. How do you explain the physical evidence of the struggle found on her?”

Vikrant’s composure wavered slightly. “I... I can’t speak to that. I just know what happened from my perspective.”

Mr. Desai pressed on, his voice steady but unyielding. “Your perspective. So you deny the evidence presented by the prosecution? The medical reports, the witness statements?”

Vikrant’s lawyer objected, trying to steer the questioning back to safer ground, but the damage was done. Mr. Desai’s line of questioning had highlighted the inconsistencies in Vikrant’s story.

The rest of the day was filled with a back-and-forth of arguments and rebuttals. The defense continued to try to cast doubt on Aarohi’s character and motives, while Mr. Desai methodically dismantled their assertions. By the time the court adjourned for the day, Aarohi felt drained but resolute.

Outside the courthouse, the media frenzy was even more intense. Reporters clamored for statements, cameras flashing incessantly. Aarohi, Akshara, and Neil made their way through the crowd, their expressions determined.

A few reporters managed to break through the chaos, their questions sharp and probing. “Aarohi, how do you feel after today’s proceedings? Do you believe justice will be served?”

Aarohi took a deep breath before answering. “I believe in the truth. I believe that justice will prevail. This fight isn’t just for me; it’s for everyone who has ever been silenced or doubted. We will see this through.”

As they finally broke free from the crowd, the trio found a quiet spot to regroup. Neil looked at Aarohi, his eyes filled with pride and concern. “You did great today, Aarohi. Don’t let them get to you.”

Akshara nodded, her expression fierce. “We’re getting closer to justice. One step at a time.”

Aarohi felt a mixture of exhaustion and hope. The day had been tough, but they had held their ground. She knew there were still challenges ahead, but with Akshara and Neil by her side, she felt ready to face whatever came next.

Together, they would fight for justice, not just for Aarohi, but for every survivor who had ever been silenced. The battle was far from over, but they were ready for the next round. With their strength combined, they would see this through to the end, no matter what it took.

Probably two more chapters and the justice will be served. Do support; vote and comment.

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