30.I need to heal

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The morning sun filtered through the large windows of the Goenka mansion, casting a warm glow over the living area. The atmosphere was thick with tension as Manish, AG, and Suhasini, fondly known as Mimi, sat around the coffee table. Spread out before them were photographs of eligible bachelors. They sifted through the images, discussing each candidate's virtues and suitability for Aarohi.

"This one seems promising," AG said, holding up a photograph. "He's well-educated and comes from a good family."

Manish nodded thoughtfully, but his eyes kept drifting back to another photo. "I think this gentleman might be a better match. He's established in his career and has a respectable reputation."

Mimi looked at both photos and sighed. "We need to ensure Aarohi's happiness and stability. After everything she's been through, we can't afford to make another mistake."

Just then, the door to the living area opened, and Aarohi walked in, her face lighting up with curiosity. But the moment she saw the photos and understood the nature of the discussion, her expression changed to one of irritation.

"Aarohi," Mimi called out, noticing her granddaughter. "Come here, dear. We want you to look at these photos and choose a man. It's time you start thinking about your future."

Manish got up and approached Aarohi, his demeanor serious but concerned. "Aarohi, we've selected these men very carefully. We won't let what happened before happen again. We just want you to be happy."

Aarohi's eyes flashed with anger and pain. "Happy?" she repeated, her voice rising. "You think looking at some photos and choosing a man will make me happy? I haven’t even had a chance to heal from everything that happened!"

She turned on her heel and stormed out of the living area, leaving the three elders in stunned silence. A moment later, she reappeared, her face set with determination. "I've had enough of this. I'm going back to Kolkata."

Before anyone could respond, Aarohi walked out again, heading to her room. The tension in the living area was palpable, and the weight of her words hung heavily in the air.

Kairav, who had overheard the confrontation from the hallway, stepped into the room, his expression stern. "Bade Papa, Mimi, AG, what are you doing? Don't you see how much pressure you're putting on her?"

Manish looked taken aback. "Kairav, we're just trying to help her move on and find happiness."

Kairav shook his head, frustration evident in his eyes. "But you’re not listening to her. Aarohi is still hurting. She needs time to heal, not more pressure to make life-altering decisions. This isn't about what you think is best for her; it's about what she needs right now."

Mimi’s eyes welled up with tears. "We only want what's best for her, Kairav. We don't want her to be alone."

Kairav sighed, his tone softening. "I know, Mimi. But sometimes, we have to let people heal in their own way and their own time. Forcing her into something she’s not ready for will only push her further away."


In her room, Aarohi sat on the edge of her bed, trying to control her emotions. A few minutes later, there was a soft knock on the door. Akshara, Abhimanyu, and Neil entered, their faces filled with concern.

“Aarohi, can we talk?” Akshara asked gently.

Aarohi looked up, her eyes red from holding back tears. “There’s nothing to talk about. I’m leaving.”

Neil stepped forward, his voice calm and steady. “Aarohi, we understand why you’re upset. But running away to Kolkata isn’t going to solve anything. Let’s talk this through.”

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