26.Guilty of rape

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The second day of the hearing dawned with a mixture of anxiety and resolve. Aarohi woke early, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. This was the final day, the culmination of two years of anguish, determination, and a relentless quest for justice. As she got ready, Akshara and Neil were there, their presence providing her with the strength she needed.

At the courthouse, the media frenzy had reached a peak. Reporters and cameras surrounded the entrance, capturing every moment of this high-profile case. Aarohi took a deep breath, steeling herself against the barrage of questions and flashing lights. She was here to tell her truth, and nothing would deter her.

Inside the courtroom, the atmosphere was tense. Vikrant and his legal team sat across from her, their expressions cold and calculated. Aarohi took her seat beside Akshara and Neil, her heart pounding in her chest. Their lawyer, Mr. Desai, joined them, his demeanor calm and composed.

The judge entered, and the room fell silent as everyone stood. Once seated, the proceedings began. Today, the prosecution would present their closing arguments, a critical moment that would define the outcome of the case.

Mr. Desai rose, addressing the court with a calm but powerful presence. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, today we stand at a pivotal moment in this trial. We have heard the testimony, examined the evidence, and now it is time to understand the gravity of what has transpired."

He walked over to Aarohi, who sat with her hands clasped tightly in her lap. "Two years ago, Aarohi and Vikrant were engaged to be married. They were planning a future together, built on trust and love. But on one fateful night, that trust was shattered in the most horrific way imaginable."

Mr. Desai paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. "Aarohi was date raped by Vikrant, the man she trusted and loved. He drugged her drink, violating her both physically and emotionally. This is not a case of a misunderstanding; this is a case of a calculated and heinous crime."

He turned to Aarohi, his voice gentle. "Aarohi, can you tell the court about the night in question?"

Aarohi took a deep breath, her voice steady but filled with emotion. "We were at an old, closed cafe of their own, on our first date, celebrating our engagement. I asked him about the place but he..... He insisted on making drinks for both of us. After a while, I started feeling dizzy and disoriented. That's when he... he took advantage of me. I remember saying no, trying to push him away, but I couldn't move properly. I trusted him, and he betrayed that trust in the worst way possible."

The courtroom was silent, the impact of her words hanging in the air. Mr. Desai nodded and continued, "Aarohi's bravery in coming forward and seeking justice is commendable. She endured immense pain and suffering, but she found the strength to fight for what is right."

The defense attorney, Mr. Sharma, rose to deliver his closing arguments, his tone dismissive. "Ladies and gentlemen, we've heard a lot of emotional testimony, but we must focus on the facts. There is no concrete evidence that Vikrant deliberately drugged Aarohi. They were engaged, in love, and it is possible that Aarohi misunderstood the events of that night."

Mr. Desai immediately objected. "Your Honor, this is not about misunderstanding. It's about betrayal and a crime."

The judge nodded. "Sustained. Mr. Sharma, please stick to the facts."

Mr. Sharma continued, attempting to cast doubt on Aarohi's testimony, but his arguments seemed hollow compared to the compelling and emotional narrative presented by the prosecution.

When it was time for the jury to deliberate, the courtroom was filled with a heavy silence. Hours passed, each minute feeling like an eternity. Aarohi sat with Akshara and Neil, her heart pounding with anxiety. She replayed her testimony in her mind, hoping that the jury would see the truth.

Finally, the jury returned. The courtroom held its collective breath as the foreman stood to deliver the verdict.

"We, the jury, find the defendant, Vikrant Mehrotra, guilty of rape."

A wave of relief and emotion swept over Aarohi. Tears streamed down her face as she turned to Akshara who cupped her face with tears of happiness speaking words and the she turned to Neil. Neil hugged her tightly, holding her as if to shield her from the world. As they held each other, Neil kissed her cheek, a gesture filled with love and reassurance.

"You did it, Aarohi," Neil whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "You're so strong."

Aarohi clung to Neil, her heart overflowing with gratitude and relief. Vikrant was led away in handcuffs, his expression one of disbelief and anger. The nightmare was finally over.

Outside the courthouse, the media frenzy was at its peak. Aarohi, flanked by Akshara and Neil, faced the reporters with a new sense of strength and determination.

"Aarohi, how do you feel now that the verdict has been delivered?" one reporter asked.

Aarohi took a deep breath, her voice clear and resolute. "I feel a sense of relief and validation. This fight was not just for me, but for everyone who has ever been silenced or doubted. Justice has been served, and I hope this inspires others to come forward and seek the justice they deserve."

As they made their way back home, Aarohi felt a sense of closure. The road had been long and painful, but she had emerged stronger. She had fought for her truth and won. With Akshara and Neil by her side, she knew she could face whatever came next.

That evening, they returned to the Goenka Villa. This time, the atmosphere was different. Manish, Swarna, Mimi, AG, and Vansh were there, their expressions a mix of remorse and pride.

Manish approached Aarohi, his stern facade softened. "Aarohi, you've shown incredible strength and courage. I'm sorry for not believing in you sooner. You've made us all proud."

Aarohi felt a surge of emotion. "Thank you, Bade Papa. It means a lot to hear that."

Mimi hugged her tightly. "We're here for you, always."

Swarna nodded, her eyes filled with tears. "We're a family, Aarohi. We'll stand by you from now on."

Kairav and Vansh smiled, their support unwavering. "You did it, Aarohi," Kairav said. "You showed them all how strong you are."

Vansh added, "We've got your back, always."

Surrounded by her family, Aarohi felt a sense of peace and belonging. The journey had been hard, but she had found justice and, in the process, had begun to heal the fractures within her family. Together, they were stronger, ready to face whatever the future held.

And in all these, there was something budding between Neil and Aarohi which is yet to be acknowledged. Stay tuned. And remember to support; do vote and comment.

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