25.They apologized

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As the second day of the hearing drew to a close, Aarohi felt the weight of the courtroom pressing down on her. She was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. The journey had been long and fraught with pain—two years since that horrific night, two years since she has been living in trauma, and two years of living with the judgment of her family. Though her siblings, Akshara and Kairav, had stood by her side, the rest of the family’s reaction had left her feeling isolated.

As Aarohi, Akshara, and Neil made their way through the courthouse and out into the throngs of reporters, Aarohi’s mind kept replaying her family's faces when she first confided in them. Manish Goenka, her Bade Papa, had been the most unforgiving. His disappointment and stern silence had been the hardest to bear. Bade Mumma, Swarna, had seemed torn between supporting her husband and understanding Aarohi's pain. The rest of the family, with a few notable exceptions like Vansh, had largely sided with Manish.

Back at Birla house, the atmosphere was somber but supportive. Akshara and Neil knew how important it was for Aarohi to feel their unwavering support, especially now.

Aarohi’s phone buzzed with a message from Kairav: “Aarohi, come home tonight. We need to talk.”

Her heart raced as she showed the message to Akshara and Neil.

“What do you think this means?” Aarohi asked, her voice trembling.

Akshara squeezed her hand gently. “Maybe they’re finally ready to listen. We can hope.”

Neil nodded. “You should go. We’re right here if you need us.”

With a mix of trepidation and hope, Aarohi made her way to the Goenka house. The house, familiar and yet filled with memories of judgment, loomed ahead as she approached the front door. She paused, taking a deep breath before ringing the bell.

Kairav opened the door, his expression a mixture of relief and worry. “Aarohi, come in,” he said, leading her into the living room where the family had gathered.

Manish stood by the window, his back to the room, while Swarna sat on the couch, looking anxious. Mimi and AG were there, too, their expressions unreadable. Vansh, who had always been kind and supportive, gave Aarohi a reassuring smile from his seat beside Mimi.

Swarna gestured for Aarohi to sit. “Aarohi, we’ve been watching the news,” she began, her voice trembling. “We saw what you’ve been going through in court.”

Manish turned from the window, his face stern but his eyes showing a hint of something softer. “We’ve had time to think,” he said gruffly. “To see how strong you’ve been. And we realize... we were wrong. We should have supported you from the beginning.”

Aarohi’s heart ached with a mix of relief and sorrow. “It took me two years to get here,” she said quietly. “Two years of feeling abandoned by my own family.”

Kairav stepped forward, his expression earnest. “We’re sorry, Aarohi. We were afraid and confused. But seeing you fight... it’s made us realize how wrong we were.”

Finally, Manish spoke again, his voice steady but laden with emotion. “Aarohi, I failed you as the head of this family. I let my pride and fear cloud my judgment. I should have protected you, believed in you. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us.”

Aarohi’s eyes filled with tears. “I don’t know if I can forget how you made me feel,” she said honestly. “But I appreciate you saying this. It means a lot.”

Swarna reached out, taking Aarohi’s hand. “We want to support you, Aarohi. We want to stand by you in this fight. Please, let us make it right. Galti sudharne ka mauka do hume.”

Aarohi looked around the room, seeing the remorse and hope in their faces. She felt a glimmer of the familial love she had longed for. “I want to believe you,” she said softly. “But it’s going to take time. Trust needs to be rebuilt.”

Mimi, Suhasini, who had been quiet until now, spoke up, her voice firm but kind. “Aarohi, we’re family. We made mistakes, but we’re here now. Let us be here for you.”

Vansh nodded, his expression filled with warmth. “We’re here for you, Aarohi. You’ve always been strong, and you’ve shown us all what true strength looks like.”

The conversation that followed was filled with apologies, tears, and tentative steps toward reconciliation. Aarohi felt a mix of emotions—relief, anger, hope, and sadness—but above all, she felt a sense of catharsis. The rift with her family had begun to heal, even if only slightly.

As she left the house that night, Aarohi felt lighter. The road ahead was still long and fraught with challenges, but for the first time in two years, she felt the support of her family. It was a small step, but it was significant.

Back at the Birla house, she found her sister and Neil waiting anxiously. She shared the events of the evening with them, her heart feeling a little lighter with each word.

“They want to support me now,” she said, her voice a mix of disbelief and hope. “They apologized.”

Akshara hugged her tightly. “I’m so glad, Aarohi. You deserve their support.”

Neil smiled, his eyes filled with pride. “This is just the beginning. With your family by your side, tum aur bhi strong ho ab chipkali.”

Aarohi nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. She wasn’t alone in this fight anymore. She had Akshara, Neil, and now, slowly but surely, her family. Together, they would fight for justice, not just for Aarohi, but for every survivor who had ever been silenced. The battle was far from over, but they were ready for the next round. With their strength combined, they would see this through to the end, no matter what it took.

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