33. All of you

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         * Almost about 4 months after they came back from Udaipur. *

Neil and Aarohi sat comfortably on the couch in her living room, their phones buzzing with messages from Abhimanyu. It was a lazy Sunday afternoon, perfect for reminiscing and sharing stories. Abhimanyu had recently discovered a treasure trove of Neil’s childhood photos and had been sending them over, much to Neil’s mixed delight and horror.

“Look at this one!” Aarohi exclaimed, showing Neil a picture of him as a chubby toddler, grinning ear to ear while covered in mud. “You were such a cute little troublemaker.”

Neil groaned playfully. “Yeah, yeah. I was a mess. But I had a lot of fun.”

They continued scrolling through the photos, laughing at the various stages of Neil’s childhood — from his awkward pre-teen years to his rebellious teenage phase. Each photo told a story, each memory a piece of the puzzle that made Neil who he was today.

Then, Aarohi found it. A photo that made her eyes widen with a mixture of surprise and amusement. It was a picture of young Neil, probably around twelve years old, wearing nothing but an oversized hat and a pair of embarrassingly bright boxer shorts. He was posing dramatically, one hand on his hip, the other holding a toy sword.

Aarohi snorted with laughter. “Oh my God, Chamgadar! What were you thinking?”

Neil’s face turned beet red. “That was a dare, okay? I lost a bet with Bhai, and he made me dress up like that. It’s so embarrassing.”

Aarohi, still giggling, snatched the phone from Neil’s hands. “I need a closer look at this.”

“Hey, give it back!” Neil lunged for the phone, but Aarohi was quick. She jumped off the couch and darted around the room, clutching the phone to her chest.

“Come on, Chipkali, that’s not fair!” Neil pleaded, chasing her around the living room.

Aarohi laughed, dodging Neil’s attempts to reclaim the phone. “Not until I’ve had my fun! This is too good to pass up.”

They continued their playful chase, the room echoing with their laughter and teasing remarks. Eventually, Neil managed to corner Aarohi against the wall, his breath coming in soft pants, their faces inches apart.

“Got you now,” Neil said, his voice low and playful. “Give me the phone, Chipkali.”

Aarohi’s laughter faded as she looked into Neil’s eyes, the proximity and the moment catching her off guard. Her heart pounded in her chest as she handed the phone back to him.

But instead of taking it, Neil took her hand in his. “Aarohi, can I ask you something?”

Her breath hitched. “What is it, Neil?”

He looked deeply into her eyes, his expression serious yet tender. “Will you marry me?”

Aarohi’s eyes widened in shock, her mind racing. She hadn’t seen this coming. Before she could respond, Neil leaned in, his lips inches from hers. But as their lips were about to meet, Aarohi hesitated, pulling back slightly.

Neil paused, sensing her uncertainty. “Aarohi, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to rush you.”

She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. Then, with a newfound resolve, she leaned in and kissed him deeply, her answer clear in her actions.

Neil’s heart swelled with joy as he kissed her back, the world around them fading away. After a moment, they broke the kiss, both breathless and smiling.

“toh Chipkali taiyaar hai pure zindagi chamgadar ke saath ulta latakne?” Neil asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Aarohi nodded, her eyes shining with love. “Yes, Chamgadar.” She replied with a giggle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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