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The soft morning light filtered through the curtains of Aarohi’s room, casting a warm glow. She sat on the bed, a book in her hands, reflecting on the heartfelt conversation she had with Neil the previous night. The door creaked open, and Neil walked in, his face lighting up as he saw her.

“Good morning,” he greeted with a playful grin. “Caught you reading again, huh?”

Aarohi closed the book and smiled. “You know me too well. Come, sit down. I was just thinking about our conversation last night.”

Neil plopped down on the bed beside her, the mattress dipping slightly. “It was a good talk, wasn’t it? I feel like we’re really moving forward now.”

Aarohi nodded, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of hope and gratitude. “Yes, we are. Thanks to you.”

Neil laughed softly. “I think you’re giving me too much credit.”

"You know, Neil," Aarohi said, a teasing glint in her eye, "I still can't believe you thought wearing mismatched socks to court was a good idea."

Neil chuckled, shaking his head. "Hey, it's called making a statement. I wanted to show the world that even in serious times, you need a bit of fun."

Aarohi laughed, the sound filling the room with warmth. "Well, your statement definitely made an impression. I'm sure the judge will never forget those neon green and bright pink socks."

Neil grinned, leaning back against the headboard. "And I bet you'll never let me forget it either."

"Never," Aarohi confirmed with a smile. "It's too good of a story."

Before Neil could respond, there was a knock on the door, and Akshara entered with her husband, Abhimanyu, in tow. Akshara’s face was beaming with excitement.

“Good morning, you two!” she exclaimed. “We’ve got some news.”

Aarohi and Neil exchanged curious glances. “What’s going on?” Neil asked.

Abhimanyu stepped forward, his arm around Akshara’s shoulders. “We’ve been talking, and we think it’s time for a celebration. The whole family is planning to go on a picnic today to welcome the happy days and to celebrate winning the case.”

Aarohi’s eyes lit up. “A picnic? That sounds wonderful!”

Akshara nodded enthusiastically. “Yes! We all need some time to relax and enjoy ourselves after everything that’s happened. What do you think?”

Neil looked at Aarohi, who was already smiling brightly. “I think it’s a fantastic idea. We could all use a break.”

“Great!” Akshara exclaimed. “We’ll meet in the garden in an hour. Pack whatever you need for a fun day out.”

As Akshara and Abhimanyu left the room, Aarohi turned to Neil, her excitement palpable. “A picnic! It’s been ages since we’ve had one. This is exactly what we need.”

Neil smiled, feeling a warmth in his chest at seeing Aarohi so happy. “It’s going to be a great day,” he said. “Let’s get ready.”


An hour later, the entire Goenka and Birla families gathered in the garden, the air filled with chatter and laughter. Manish, Swarna, Suhasini, and AG were busy organizing the picnic baskets, while Kairav and Vansh helped set up a few games for later. Manjiri and Harshvardhan, Neil’s parents, stood nearby, talking with Anand and Mahima, Neil’s uncle and aunt. Parth, Neil’s cousin, and his wife, Shefali, were helping their younger sister, Nishtha, with packing snacks.

Aarohi and Neil walked into the garden, their faces lit with anticipation. Akshara and Abhimanyu were already there, overseeing the preparations.

“This is going to be amazing,” Aarohi said.

“It sure is,” Neil agreed, feeling a sense of contentment.

Soon, the family piled into cars and made their way to a scenic spot by a river, surrounded by lush greenery and blooming flowers. The location was perfect—a blend of natural beauty and serenity.

They spread out blankets and set up a picnic area under the shade of tall trees. The air was filled with the mouth-watering aroma of homemade dishes and the cheerful sounds of birds chirping nearby.

As everyone settled in, Manish stood up to address the family. “Today is a special day,” he began, his voice carrying a tone of gratitude. "Aarohi has been through a lot, but she has come out stronger. This picnic is a celebration of her resilience and our love for her. Let’s make it a day to remember.”

Cheers and applause followed his words, and the family began to dig into the delicious food. There were sandwiches, samosas, fresh fruits, and a variety of sweets that made everyone’s mouth water.

As they ate, Aarohi and Neil found themselves in the midst of a playful conversation with Akshara and Abhimanyu.

“So, Neil,” Abhimanyu said with a grin, “I hear you’ve got a unique fashion sense, especially when it comes to socks.”

Neil laughed, shaking his head. “Oh, you heard about that, did you? Aarohi won’t let me live it down.”

Aarohi chuckled, nudging Neil with her elbow. “And why should I? It’s too funny.”

“Well, I think it’s great,” Akshara said, smiling. “It shows you’re not afraid to be yourself.”

Neil gave her a grateful smile. “Thanks, Akshara. That means a lot.”

"Haan... Aise baat ke liye Neil ki taarif sirf Akshu hi kar sakti said Abhimanyu, to which he received a "haan sach mein" and a hi-fi from Aarohi.

As the day went on, the family played games, took leisurely walks by the river, and shared stories and laughter. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of joy and togetherness that had been missing for too long.

At one point, Aarohi and Neil found themselves sitting on a blanket a little away from the main group, watching the river flow gently by. Aarohi rested her head on Neil’s shoulder, feeling a sense of peace she hadn’t felt in a long time.

“This is perfect,” she said softly. “I’m so glad we’re all here together.”

Neil nodded, feeling the same sense of peace. “Me too, Aarohi. It’s like a fresh start for all of us.”

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, simply enjoying each other’s presence and the beauty of their surroundings. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant laughter of their family added to the serenity of the moment.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the picnic area, the family gathered around for one last activity—a group photo to capture the memory of this special day.

Everyone huddled together, smiling and laughing as they posed for the camera. In that moment, surrounded by her family and feeling Neil’s reassuring presence by her side, Aarohi knew that they had not only survived their ordeal but had come out of it stronger and more united than ever.

As the camera clicked, capturing their smiles and the love that bound them, Aarohi felt a sense of hope and happiness that she hadn’t felt in a long time. The days ahead were still uncertain, but with her family by her side and Neil’s unwavering support, she knew she could face anything.

And as they packed up and headed back home, laughter and chatter filling the air, Aarohi and Neil walked side by side, their hearts full of a new, unspoken understanding. They were slowly falling for each other, even if they hadn’t yet realized it.

Mismatched pair of socks and a mismatched pair of Neil and Aarohi.
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