Season 3 Episode 29: Blackout

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On a mountain nearby, Garmadon places rocks on top of Lloyd who balances them
"We underestimate the importance of balance. When it's there, we're at peace. When something is off, everything falls, Ninjago is no different. It puts too much faith in technology, allowing the Overlord to return, and because of your friends, now the world is without power. When one relies on something too much, we become weak, vulnerable, imbalanced. In order to find your full potential and unlock your true power, you must find your own balance." Garmadon explained, teaching Lloyd
"I'm already the Golden Ninja, and (Y/N)'s the Purple Ninja, how much power do we both need?." Lloyd asked
"You've both only scratched the surface! You both have the potential to move mountains, and in (Y/N)'s case, also to destroy them, Power of the First Spinjtizu Master!." Garmadon said
"The ninja destroyed the power substation, essentially destroying the Overlord and his Nindroids. Why can't we go back?." Lloyd asked
"Essentially? Until the Overlord is fully erased from the system, we must not go back, but forward!." Garmadon said as Lloyd lost balance
"Woah!." Lloyd yelled as he fell
"If you can't move mountains, I guess we'll have to move over mountains." Garmadon said
"Oh yeah?." Lloyd asked as they looked at it
"And this next one looks particularly steep." Garmadon said as they walked off
Back in Borg industries, three construction workers find Cyrus unconscious
"Over here! I found him!." The worker yelled as he took off Cyruses half eye mask which woke him up
"Are you all right. Mr. Borg?." The worker asked
"Yes, but how long have I been out?." Cyrus asked
"Quite a while sir. We've been without power for a few days." The worker said as they got him in his wheelchair and moved to the main room
"The hard drive! It's missing! Have the ninja returned with the Techno Blades? Please, it's very important!." Borg yelled worried
"Uh, no. There's been no one else inside the building." The second worker said as Borg looks to where Wu was strapped down
"Wu... he was right here! Where did he go? And who would take the hard drive when the Overlord virus is still on it? Oh, so many questions, so few answers." Borg said worriedly
In the bowels of Borg industries, the Overlords hard drive was turned on
"Where am I!? The ninja destroyed all of the power. How have you saved me?." The Overlord asked the white hooded figure
"Electro-Cobrai. Though extremely rare, they're extremely useful." The stranger said grabbing one with his glove
"Who are you? What do you want from me?." The Overlord asked
"Nothing but a small favour after returning you to power. You do still want to become flesh, if I'm not mistaken?." The stranger asked
"Yes, of course, but I need the Golden and Purple Ninja." The Overlord said
"You'll get your hands on them in time. Our power is limited, we must be wise with our next move. Ninjago is vast, the Golden and Purple Ninja could be anywhere. And still, the ninja have the only weapons that could erase you." The stranger said as he walked over to Techno Wu and places the Cobra on him, activating him
"The old man knows everything about the ninja. All of their secrets. All of their hideouts. He will find them in no time." The stranger said as the Overlord laughed
"Yes, YES!." The Overlord laughed with the stranger
Meanwhile in Ed and Edna's junkyard, the ninja dig through the junk
"We've been digging for so long, I think I forgot what we're looking for!." Cole yelled
"A jiggly compact compress converter. Or was it a compress jiggly converter? Whatever it is, if it can get us back to New Ninjago City any sooner, it's worth finding." Kai said as he pulls something out only for everything to crush them both
"Ahh!." They screamed (Y/N) and Jay looked at the direction
"You think they're fine?." (Y/N) asked
"Sure." Jay shrugged as he kept digging through with Ed
"We shut off the power thinking we could just waltz in but no. We didn't stop to think we were a bajillion miles away." Jay chuckled
"Yeah, we didn't plan ahead." (Y/N) chuckled as they high-five
"Hey! A compact converted jiggly compressor!." Jay said picking it up
"Ah! Great find kiddo. Now all we need to adapt that hover-copters power supply to solar power is an upside down rotter derottermabob and a whiz bang automated amplifier!." Ed said as Cole and Kai sighed
"I'll help look for it." (Y/N) said walking away as Ed smiled
"You got a good friend there Jay." Ed smiled
Inside the Caravan Nya removed part of Zane's power source, Zane groans
"You sure you want to do this? Modifying your original design could have... unintentional consequences." Nya said worriedly
"She risked her life for me. It's the least I could do to get her back." Zane said, Nya then inserted half the power source into PIXAL who wakes up
"Where am I? What happened?." PIXAL asked as she noticed half of Zane's power source gone
"You gave me half your power source. My processor does not compute." PIXAL said confused
"You are the only one who knows Borgs system. You are vital to the mission. And, you are vital to me." Zane smiled holding her hand
"Ooh. Robot love. Call me a sucker, but if they have half of what you and (Y/N) have-
"Nya and (Y/N)? Judging from perfect match compatibility, perhaps Nya and Cole would be a closer comparison." PIXAL said
"Nya and Cole are a better match?." Edna asked confused
"Don't you mean (Y/N)? Perhaps her processor was damaged." Zane said as Nya blushed about (Y/N) and her as a couple
"My processor is fully operational. The perfect match for Nya isn't (Y/N), but Cole." PIXAL said
"Cole's her perfect match? And (Y/N) was one of them?." Jay asked as they looked at him
"Jay..." Nya tried to reason
"Ha, it's so quiet in here. What did I miss? Another signature Jay Walker gut buster." Cole asked entering with Kai and (Y/N)
"Oh you double backstabbing, no good...! YAAAH!." Jay yelled jumping onto Cole and (Y/N)
"Aargh! Jay what are you doing?!." (Y/N) yelled as he tried to push Jay off
"What's wrong with you?!." Cole yelled fighting back, (Y/N) breaks free as Kai sighs
"I hope Lloyd is faring better than us." Kai sighed as he helped (Y/N) up
Meanwhile on the mountains, Lloyd and Garmadon comes across a gap between the rocks
"Hey! Who needs bridges when you can manifest a Golden Dragon to-
"You felt too much on your Golden Power. Let this be a lesson. Centre yourself and move the mountain with your mind." Garmadon said
"What? Move that? Are you kidding?." Lloyd asked
"Find your balance. Concentrate." Garmadon said as Lloyd closed his eyes and tried to make a bridge out of rocks, but he struggled and then fails
"This is pointless. Especially when I can do this!." Lloyd yelled summoning his Golden Dragon and makes a golden bridge
"I'm not the First Spinjtizu Master, neither is (Y/N), and I never wanted. I'm the Golden Ninja." Lloyd said as he walked across as Garmadon sighed
"I know. I was once like this too." Garmadon said following behind
Back at the junkyard, Cole and Jay fight
"Oh, you know why you're the Black Ninja? Cause it's the colour of your heart!." Jay yelled
"Oh yeah? Well what's the point in being a Blue Ninja? Unless you're trying to hide out in some goofy clown college!." Cole yelled
"Ooh! You take that back! There are reputable performers that attended clown college!." Jay yelled as (Y/N) stood aside
"Why are they fighting?." (Y/N) asked
"Cole is Nya's perfect match apparently, and Jay didn't like it." Zane explained
"Cole is?." (Y/N) and Kai asked
"Apparently, although we all thought you and-
Nya covers Zane's mouth before he could say anything
"Thought about what with me?." (Y/N) asked
"Well we all thought that you and Nya would become a couple." Kai said as Jay stopped fighting Cole
"You thought what?!." Jay yelled glaring at (Y/N)
"Wait, is this why you're mad? I thought it was a joke I made." Cole said as Jay glared at Cole before attacking (Y/N)
"Hey! Stop it!." (Y/N) yelled as he blocked jays attacks, Cole then jumped in to help (Y/N)
Meanwhile outside Techno Wu arrived
"Jay! Get off me!." (Y/N) yelled
"Get off him Jay!." Cole yelled trying to get Jay off him
"Oh don't think I forgot about you!." Jay yelled attacking Cole now
Meanwhile outside Techno Wu re-powers the Nindroids, Min-Droid then activates the crane and grabs the caravan
"This macho stuff is making you both look like fools. Maybe you belong together! Besides I have (Y/N)!." Nya yelled as (Y/N) blushed, Jay looked at (Y/N) again but Cole stopped him from attacking again
"Quit it Jay!." Cole yelled as the crane lifts up the caravan
"What was that?." Kai asked as they opened the door
"The machines haven't worked since the outage. What's powering it?." Ed asked as Kai noticed the Nindroids
"Nindroids! Better question is, what's powering them?." Kai asked
"They're after the Techno Blades." PIXAL said
"Do they know I'm here?." (Y/N) asked
"Probably not, but we have to stop them." Kai said as Cryptor started shooting them
"Get down!." (Y/N) yelled as they got back inside and ducked
"Yeah, well, they almost hit my mother!." Jay yelled
"You guys need to get to safety." (Y/N) said
"Hey! Don't look out for my parents girl stealer!." Jay yelled
"Jay! Not the time!." Cole yelled
"I'm still mad at you too!." Jay yelled
"Not the time!." Kai yelled as Ed and Edna got jet packs
"Good thing we prepare for every type of situation." Edna smiled
"You make on for me?." Jay asked
"Uh, sorry honey. You hardly ever come to visit." Edna apologised
"Yeah, good luck kiddo. And watch over the junk while we're gone, will you?." Ed asked as they took off blinding Cryptor with the bubbles that came out of the Jetpacks
"I blame you both for this!." Jay yelled
"What did we do?." (Y/N) asked
"You were the one who wanted to stay in a scrap heap full of Nindroids!." Cole yelled
"Enough, you three! We may not have our Elemental Powers, and (Y/N) may not be able to use his, but we still have our Spinjtizu!." Kai said as he looked at PIXAL
"Are you gonna be okay?." Kai asked
"I may not be built to fight, but my protective reflexes should suffice." PIXAL said
"Great! Cause you're gonna need 'em!." Nya yelled as they get dropped
"Ninja! Go!." They yelled as they jumped onto the roof before doing Spinjtizu, Zane failed to do so
"I couldn't do Spinjtizu!." Zane yelled
"Your heart. Dividing it must have inhibited your fighting ability." PIXAL explained
"I guess I have poor timing." Zane said as Cryptor shoots at them
"We have to save Zane!." Jay yelled
"Finally, something we agree on." Cole said as they ran towards him but get trapped by Techno Wu inside of the Junk compactor
"Guys! Are you alright?." (Y/N) asked
"I'm good." Cole said
"I'm not! I'm trapped with my own worst enemy!." Jay yelled as the wall began to close on them
"I'm too cute to be squashed!." Jay yelled
"Hey, someone stop this thing!." Cole yelled
"I'll go shut it off!." (Y/N) yelled
"Oh great! Now I'm going to be saved by my other worst enemy!." Jay yelled as (Y/N) glared at him
"I could just leave you in there." (Y/N) glared
"Hey! What about me?!." Cole yelled
"Oh right..."
"I got this!." Nya yelled after beating Min-Droid up
Kai ran up to (Y/N)
"They're trapped?." Kai asked
"Seems like it- aargh!." (Y/N) screamed as Techno Wu attacks (Y/N)
"Sensei, what have they done to you?." Kai asked
"Dad? What did they do?!." (Y/N) yelled as Wu kicked Kai in the face
"Someone stop this thing!." Cole yelled
"I can't override it!." Nya yelled
"Well you'd better, because if you don't, Cole and I are gonna get real close. You said we belong together, but not permanently!." Jay yelled
"I'm not... strong enough!." Cole yelled trying to stop the walls, Nya opened the panel and groaned
"Seriously? A blue or black wire. I have to cut one of these wires to shut it down, but cut the wrong one and it may crush you guys instantly!." Nya yelled
"Ooh, choose blue, Nya! You know blue! You're comfortable with blue!." Jay yelled
"Choose black! Black is not blue!." Cole yelled
"Oh, I'm gonna turn you black and blue!." Jay yelled
"No time for that!." Cole yelled as the walls start getting closer
"I thought you were supposed to be strong." Jay said
"And I thought we were a team." Cole said as Nya panicked
"Black or blue? Uh, why is it so hard to choose? Why can't there be purple?." Nya asked
"JUST CUT ONE ALREADY!." Jay yelled as they get close to being crushed
Meanwhile Cryptor shoots at Zane and PIXAL, they'd dodged only for Zane to be grabbed by a giant magnet controlled by Min-Droid
"Zane!." PIXAL yelled as Cryptor and the Nindroids laughed
"Guys? A little help?." Kai asked as Kai used his Techno Blade to block Techno Wu's attacks
"(Y/N)!." Kai yelled who didn't move
"I...I can't... that's my dad." (Y/N) said as Kai kicked him off
"Not anymore! He's under the Overlords control!." Kai yelled as Techno Wu got up again and attacked
"Junk him." Cryptor said
"No!." PIXAL yelled breaking free from the Nindroids and saves Zane
"That was never in my program. Your heart improved my fighting ability!." PIXAL said
"Hahaha! He needs a little girl to protect him?." Cryptor laughed as Zane and PIXAL interlocked arms kicking away the Nindroids
"Our shared reflexes...
"Work as one!." PIXAL yelled
"As if we were made...
"To fight together!." PIXAL yelled as they did Spinjtizu
"Ninja! Go!." They yelled
Meanwhile Jay and Cole almost get crushed
"I take back everything I said!." Jay yelled
"No, you were right! I could have been a better friend!." Cole yelled
"I'm sorry (Y/N)! I shouldn't have gotten mad at a machine telling Nya your perfect matches!." Jay yelled
"Actually... that part is kinda true... they kinda have a thing going on..." Cole said
"What?!." Jay yelled
"Black or blue?." Nya asked as she groans and cuts both of them, saving them
"Nya, you did it!." Cole yelled
"Ohh! What colour did you choose?." Jay asked
"Like I'll ever tell." Nya smirked
"Come on!." Nya yelled as Cole and Jay glared at each other
Meanwhile Kai and (Y/N) gets attacked by Techno Wu
"Ah!." They screamed as Cole and Jay arrived
"Sensei Wu!." Cole yelled surprised
"What happened to him?." Jay asked
"He's turned evil! Help us!." Kai yelled as (Y/N) still didn't move
"Why isn't he helping you?." Jay glared at (Y/N)
"I don't know! But we have bigger fish to fry!." Kai yelled
"But he's our Sensei!." Cole said
"Not anymore." Kai said
"More like Tech Wu." Cole said
"Oh! Bad Sensei! Bad!." Jay yelled as Cole gets hit by Wu
"I hate to say it, but you deserved that a little." Jay chuckled as Wu hits Jay
"Hahaha! Right back at ya." Cole laughed
"I got this!." Nya yelled as she went to attack, only for Wu to fight back
"Aahhh!." Nya yelled which snapped (Y/N) out of it
"Nya!." (Y/N) yelled tackling Techno Wu, Techno Wu tried to fling (Y/N) off, but (Y/N) held on, (Y/N) punched Techno Wu's head
"Sorry dad! But this is for the greater good!." (Y/N) yelled as he did Spinjtizu and flung Wu away, Wu tried to attack again but she was picked up by the magnet Zane was on, revealing to be Zane and PIXAL
"Sorry Sensei." Zane apologised
"Ha! I always knew those two had a magnetic attraction." Kai said
"Really?." Nya asked as the stranger used a arrow to destroy the rope on the crane, freeing Techno Wu
"Woah! Who is that?." Jay asked
"A guy in white robes." (Y/N) said
"Yah!." Techno Wu yelled as the Stranger stopped him
"Enough! The Overlord will be pleased, and wouldn't you look at that, the Purple Ninja is with the Techno Blades." The Stranger said as (Y/N) glared
"Grr!." Techno Wu growled as they hop into a Hover-copter and fly off
"Hmm. Uh! Seriously, who the heck was that guy?." Jay asked
"Or gal." Nya added
"It doesn't matter who it is right now, whoever it is works for the Overlord and he has my dad with them." (Y/N) said
"And now he knows you're with us and the Techno Blades." Kai said
"Well whoever it is, he has Wu, which means he knows everything about us." Zane said
"And if we want to save him, we'll need to find out who this stranger is." Cole said as PIXAL spots a white scale
"Perhaps I could have that answer for you in a few moments." PIXAL said scanning it
"What is it?." Cole asked
"Hmm." PIXAL hummed
"It's obviously a clue, dirt clod." Jay insulted
"I know it's a clue, zap trap, but it's so small. I just want to know what-
"Enough you two." (Y/N) sighed as Jay glared at him
"PIXAL, can you analyse it?." Nya asked
"The sample is far too small, but given time, I should have an answer." PIXAL said
"That's if we have time." (Y/N) said
"Well then, we should waste no more time and get back to the city. I'll use my Falcon Vision to warn Lloyd of our findings." Zane said
"I thought taking the power out would give us the upper hand, but now that they have it and we don't, I guess the power has only shifted." Nya said
"Don't worry sis, we'll get Sensei back." Kai said
Meanwhile, Lloyd and Garmadon keep climbing, Garmadon struggling
"Wish you still had four hands? It would've come in handy." Lloyd said looking at him
"Your potential is great, not your sense of humour, something I credit (Y/N) for." Garmadon said as Lloyd chuckled
"Heh, heh, heh. Still won't let me use the Golden Dragon?." Lloyd asked
"Still don't. If you want to harness the power of the First Spinjtizu Master, you must focus on your balance, and find your centre." Garmadon explained as they got up, Lloyd spots a Ravture
"Uh, dad?." Lloyd asked confused
"A Ravture youngling. Don't touch him. It needs to fly on its own. Keep climbing. Slowly." Garmadon said as Lloyd sees it fall, he then saves it
"What have you done? It's going to know someone has touched its young!." Garmadon yelled panicked
"It who?." Lloyd asked as they heard a squawk
"Daddy." Garmadon said as it came closer
"He was going to fall. I was trying to help." Lloyd said
"Unless you speak ravture, there's no use trying to explain. Hurry! We need to climb to shelter! There!." Garmadon yelled as Lloyd held the baby still
"You're not gonna fall on my watch!." Lloyd yelled
"Your compassion is not help." Garmadon said as he fell as the father ravture swooped at him
"Dad!." Lloyd yelled as Garmadon held on
"I take it back. I do want my four hands." Garmadon said as Lloyd made an energy ball
"No! Do not use your powers as a crutch, it will only weaken you. He's circling back." Garmadon yelled as he fell from the ravture
"Dad! No!." Lloyd yelled
"Son!." Garmadon yelled as Lloyd used his powers to move a mountain and save him
"You just moved a mountain, son." Garmadon said as the baby ravatue falls
"No!." Lloyd yelled only for it too fly
"You're not the only one that's grown up." Garmadon smiled as the two flew away, Lloyd then makes some stairs in the mountain
"After you." Lloyd smiled as they started walking, the Falcon flew over
"Hey, the ninja have sent a message." Lloyd said as the Falcon lands
"Lloyd, we've got some bad news. We've had a run in with a mysterious someone who has found a new way to power Nindroids." Nya said in the message as it cuts to Jay
"And he turned Sensei Wu evil! He had a black beard!." Jay cried as it cuts to (Y/N)
"We may have a suspicion that whoever this new person is, is working for the Overlord, which could mean that they know now we are split up." (Y/N) said as it changes to Kai
"And it doesn't help that the hard drive could be in his grasp, which means it's missing, which means we can't hack it with the Techno Blades and reboot the system." Kai said cutting back to Nya
"But the stranger left a clue. A white scale. That's right, we think he may be Serpentine. We're heading to New Ninjago City to get to the bottom of this. We thought you should know so you can keep your distance, it's already a big risk taking (Y/N) with us, but we don't have any other choice. Hope you're faring better than we are. Well stay in contact if we learn anything new. Over and out." Nya said as it cuts to (Y/N) one last time
"Good luck champ, we'll see each other one day." (Y/N) said as the message ends
"Woah. Serpentine?." Lloyd asked
"We must not go back, but forward. Hiroshi's Labyrinth. Miles of jungle so dense, all who enter are never found. We must not rest." Garmadon said
"Okay, let's get lost." Lloyd said as they walked to the jungle
Meanwhile in Borg industries bowels
"You failed. Not even you could stop them." The Overlord said disappointed
"I wasn't trying to stop them, I was burning them into a greater trap." The stranger said as a recording plays
"Hiroshi's Labyrinth. Miles of jungle so dense, all who enter are never found. We must not rest." Garmadons recording said
"Okay, let's get lost." Lloyd's recording said
"Attacking the ninja was merely a ploy to scare them into sending a warning message to one of the Chosen Ones. I interpreted their SOS and now we know where the Golden Ninja is, speaking of the Chosen Ones, I have information you may want to hear." The stranger said intriguing the Overlord
"Yes?." The Overlord asked
"I have located the Purple Ninja, he is with the main four ninja with the Techno Blades." The stranger said as the Overlord chuckled
"Excellent, but how do we acquire him? I can't be in two places at once, neither can you." The Overlord said as the stranger chuckled
"Oh, I have a plan, just you wait." The stranger said as the Overlord laughed
"Hahaha! Whoever you are, I like you. Soon the power will be mine!." The Overlord said as they began laughing evilly

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