Season 6 Episode 57: Enkrypted

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A series of doors open up in Kryptarium prison as the ninja are led past several prisoners by Warden Noble, Nya who is frightened grabs onto (Y/N), he glared and scowls at them which makes them back off slowly

"How are you doing that?." Jay asked

"They fear me, word gets around fast that I'm a creation of the Overlord." (Y/N) said answering Jay

"Meat, fresh meat." The prisoners said as the ninja walked past

"Ah!." Jay screamed

"Fresh meat!." The prisoners chant

"Don't mind them, they all get a little grouchy when they don't get their meat." Noble smiled as they kept walking, a cafeteria woman walked up with a triangle and dings it, giving the prisoners fresh meat

"Fresh meat!." They chant as they eat

"Mm, meat." The prisoners said eating, the ninja start walking faster away from the section of inmates

"Hehehehe." Jay laughed nervously while Lloyd strains attempting to take off the shackles

"Ergh!." Lloyd grunts as he tries to break them

"Kryptarium Prison, we've been here before, but as guests, never inmates." Zane said recalling their previous visit

"Yeah, at least there aren't Anacondrai cultists after us again." (Y/N) said recalling the previous events while Lloyd struggled

"You can try, but those shackles are made of Vengestone. Pretty good for shutting down your powers, makin' sure you don't ghost out of here." Noble explained

"Oh yeah? But how good are they against my super strength?." Cole asked as he grunts and strains trying to take the shakes off

"Just wait, almost got them." Cole strains more before sighing

"They aren't gonna break." Nya said unamused as they kept walking

"Hey, aren't those the ninja? They're responsible for putting me in this place!." Wyplash yelled as he takes off an arm and starts hitting it on the bars, more prisoners start doing similar things with their arms and utensils

"And we're shuffling, we're shuffling." Cole said as they moved faster

"Since you're celebrities, I took the liberty of taking you out of the general population....

"Ha! Who doesn't love special treatment?." Kai asked as Noble accessed a door, opening it

... and placing you in the super mean and dangerous population." Noble said as the prisoners chatter indistinctly

"Oh great, home of the world's baddest bad's, I feel honoured." (Y/N) remarked sarcastically

"Real special alright." Nya groaned

"It's no problem, Warden. We'll do our time until all of this is straightened out. Like I said before, we were framed." Lloyd said

"Yet no matter how many times we tell em, they just don't listen." (Y/N) rolled his eyes

"That's because, they all say the same thing. Now get in your cells inmates!." Noble yelled only to realise he doesn't have his eyes

"Gosh darn it, i forgot my keys again. Well, stay here while I go find them." Noble said as he runs off

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