Hate to see her suffer

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The most beautiful part is I wasn't even looking when I found you




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" Why do you want to give her the Bangalore Branch? " Prerna asked me out of curiosity. "It is necessary to have someone with greater competence to manage this branch."  I replied while scrolling through my phone. " Isn't Mr. Singh competent enough?" She asked.

"I'm arranging his transfer to his hometown because he greatly misses his family." I told her casually. " Since when did you become so generous?" She asked with a suspicious gaze.

"I have just rewarded him for his outstanding work, and for your information, I am not as cruel as you perceive." I replied. " Keshav Sir will fall for your lies, not me." She said while snatching my phone from my hand.  " Tell me the reason " She insisted.

"I told you before, didn't I?" I said with a cold tone. While I'm lucky to have found a best friend in my secretary, there are times I wish she would stay within her professional boundaries and follow my instructions without question.

" I'm talking about the actual reason." She said in a slight raised voice. "I have told you what was necessary." I said with a death glare. She sighed and stood up " Fine, I'll talk with the legal team."

I can't tell Prerna the actual reason. I'm not going to involve her in my conspiracy. 

If I transfer her to Bangalore. It will be easier to proceed with my revenge and I'd love to enjoy her ruin with my own eyes. 

She's the CEO of Rai textile industry whose headquarters are in Mumbai. I'm transferring the headquarters from Mumbai to Bangalore and for that I had to transfer Mr. Singh who handles the Bangalore branch to Mumbai.  To be honest I don't give a shit about that Singh and his family, but this was the only reason I could think of. 

I'm not only the CEO of the pie empire but I'm also the chairperson of whole Rai industry which was founded by my parents. Pie Empire was a startup I founded on my own after graduation that ultimately achieved success.

The textile industry was of my mother. It was like her second child and that murderer snatched it from her after brutally killing her. When I was in the college, I got to know from Keshav uncle that after my mother's death she overtook the textile industry and that's when it all started making sense. 

How she achieved such heights just after my parent's death?

Why she always hated my mother? 

and most importantly,

How the fuck she came to my house exactly when my parents died? I didn't call anyone when my parents were murdered. I was so traumatized by the accident that I didn't even think of calling anyone.

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