Found you, my strawberry

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If I'm anything, I'm yours

Mark Anthony



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 Uhmm..this woman is your mom, and this man is your dad, who's this boy strawberry?" I  asked. " You ". Kritika replied casually. "Me?" I asked in confusion. " Yes, because I love you " Kritika said making a cute face.

Something clicked into  my mind, and I said, " Then you have to marry me in the future." Kritika asked innocently " Why?". I replied, " I've seen in movies when a girl loves a boy she has to marry him." Listening to which Kritika made an Oo face.

" If that's the case I'll marry you " Kritika said being super excited about this idea. I raised my pinky finger and said, " Promise to marry me " Kritika touched my pinky finger with hers and replied "Promise" After sometimes I took Kritika's drawing book and tore a page and wrote something on it with a pencil and came to her " You know how to read right?" I asked holding the paper in front of her. " Of course I'm a grown up now. I'm 8 years old." Kritika replied showing her 8 fingers.

I smiled and said " Read that" Kritika took the paper and started reading it

" Kritika Rai wi-will ma-marr-marry Ru-Ruhaan Sharma in the fu-futu-future" She stammered while reading it.

" This is a contract. I've seen my dad making contracts whenever someone promises him something." I explained her." Sign here " I told her pointing on the place where she needed to sign. Kritika made a cute star and wrote K there.

I also wrote R in a messy way to make it look like a sign. I gave her the paper and said " Here, keep this, I'll ask about this paper when we'll marry each other." Aakriti took the paper and went to her room to keep the paper.

I waited for her, but she remained in her room for quite some time. I came to her room, but she wasn't there, " Strawberry!" I screamed; no answer came. " Kriti! Kriti" I ran here and there. 

" Strawbe-" My sleep broke, I looked here and there, I was dreaming. The most painful aspect of dreaming about lost loved ones is the realization upon awakening that the person is no longer there.  I closed my eyes, and a single tear escaped. I may look fine from outside, but I still miss Kritika. I thought I'll move on from her with time, but I guess time doesn't heal anything it just numbs the pain.

My eyes fell on Aakriti who was sleeping peacefully in my arms. How did she end up in my arms? 

She snuggled deep into my chest. I guess she doesn't need those pills for a deep sleep, she just needs someone to hold onto.

A daydream to her nightmareWhere stories live. Discover now